Will God Heal Scars?

Becky Dvorak, Author of DARE to Believe
Becky Dvorak, Author of DARE to Believe

Gale asks, “Will God heal the scars left by sickness and disease? Or is this too much like the lady who wanted a makeover on page 89 in DARE to Believe? A couple of years ago, in my mid-twenties, I developed severe cystic adult acne and took Accutane. This lead to horrible scars on my face and body as well as the thinning of my skin which caused lots of stretch marks. I wish I had believed what I believe now because I would have taken authority over the disease instead of taking a very dangerous medication that lead to more skin and health problems. Would I be in the wrong to pray for healing of these scars that have marred my body? It isn’t a life or death situation, so that is why I felt the need to ask you.”

Gale, first of all, this is a good question that I think many want to know the answer to.

The woman that you are referring to who wanted a makeover from page 89 in DARE to Believe did not ask God for too much. The point was that the motives behind her request were wrong, she didn’t need physical healing, but rather inner healing. She struggled with her age.

And yes, God is willing to heal scars. In the New Testament we read a story of a man with leprosy who does not understand if Jesus wills to heal him. He says to Jesus “Lord, if You are willing, You can make me clean.” Then Jesus puts out His hand and touches him and says, “I am willing; be cleansed.” And immediately the leprosy leaves him. (See Luke 5:12-13.)

Jesus wills to heal us of all things. He doesn’t put stipulations on what He will heal. It doesn’t matter if someone believes for healing from a life and death situation or an ingrown toenail, or warts. He wills to heal all things, for all people, all the time.

You are not in the wrong to believe God for healing from scars, in fact faith to believe for this pleases Him. He says in Jeremiah 30:17 “For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds.” DARE to Believe!

To learn more about healing order your copy of DARE to Believe today.

Does Everyone Have the Gift of Healing?

Denis asks “Does everyone have the Gift of Healing?” This is a super question with even a better answer.

But before I get to this answer, let me ask you a question. Does everyone have an artistic gift to draw and paint a masterpiece to display in a museum. No, we don’t. But, most of us could pick up an art pencil and if we worked at it could draw something.

It’s this way with the supernatural gifts of healings. According to 1 Corinthians 12:9-10 the Holy Spirit gives gifts of healings and the working of miracles to people as He wills. No, not everyone has these spiritual gifts. But what I find so utterly amazing is that God so desires for all people to be healed that His Spirit does not leave anyone out of the picture. He says in Mark 16:17-18 that if we believe we will lay hands on the sick and they will recover. 

To sum up this answer, no, not all people have been given gifts of healings, but according to Romans 12:3 we have all been given a measure of faith. “For I say, through the grace given to me, to everyone who is among you, not to think of himself more highly than he ought to think, but to think soberly, as God has dealt to each one a measure of faith. ” Faith is a great gift. And truthfully there are no limits about what faith can do. It’s up to each individual to develop faith. And that’s what the promise in the Great Commission is all about, “If we believe we will lay hands on the sick and they will recover.”

Becky Dvorak is a prophetic healing evangelist and the Destiny Image author of DARE to Believe, Greater Than Magic and, soon to be released, The Healing Creed. Visit her at authorbeckydvorak.com.

Did God Ever Say “No” For Healing?

Denis asks “Did God ever say “No” when I prayed for someone for healing?” This is a good question, and the answer will help us to build a strong foundation of assurance for faith for healing.

I can honestly say that God has never told me not to minister healing to someone. It says in Isaiah 53:4-5 “ Surely He has borne our griefs (sicknesses, weaknesses, and distresses) and carried our sorrows and pains [of punishment], yet we [ignorantly] considered Him stricken, smitten, and afflicted by God [as if with leprosy]. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our guilt and iniquities; the chastisement [needful to obtain] peace and well-being for us was upon Him, and with the stripes [that wounded] Him we are healed and made whole.”

Scripture makes it plain that it is God’s will to heal. Jesus says 3 John 1:2 “Beloved, I pray that you may prosper in all things and be in health, just as your soul prospers.”

This should be a comfort and a blessing for us to know that His will is to always heal us. And now we can do as it says in Hebrews 4:16, “ Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.


Becky Dvorak is a prophetic healing evangelist and the Destiny Image author of DARE to Believe and Greater Than Magic and, soon to be released, The Healing Creed. Visit her at authorbeckydvorak.com.

31 Days of Healing Scriptures with Nature Photos

31 Days of Healing Scriptures with Nature Photos
31 Days of Healing Scriptures with Nature Photos

Since the release of my book, DARE to Believe I have been asked by several readers to post a list of healing scriptures online. So, I posted on my WordPress blog  31 Days of Healing Scriptures with nature photos to bless and encourage you. Check it out.

Also, for those of you that are fighting against terminal illness or a lifetime disease and would like to be part of a private DARE to Believe support group where you will be encouraged and challenged to trust God for your miracle contact me on Facebook at Author Becky Dvorak.

This is what the DARE to Believe Support Group on Facebook is all about.

1. We will post ONLY that which is uplifting to the spirit, soul and body, and causes one to DARE to Believe in the healing power of our Jehova Rapha.

2. We will NOT glorify the spirit of death, nor strengthen its reports by aligning the power of our words with it. We post ONLY LIFE.

3. We will hold one another accountable, in the Spirit of Love, to confess ONLY life and healing.

4. We commit to love and respect one another in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and to uphold one another in His loving embrace by the power of intercession.

5. We will allow the message of DARE to Believe to simmer within our spirits, until the power of the Word transforms from head knowledge to manifested revelation, and the spirit realm overtakes the physical realm and complete healing manifests.

I pray that your spirits are lifted up and strengthened with these scriptures from my 31 Days of Healing Scripture with nature photos.



Diane from Minnesota writes, “My granddaughter’s EEG is CLEAR! No abnormalities! She has had epilepsy for 8 years but after prayer from Becky Dvorak during a healing service in Midway a month ago, we knew something happened as she slept all through the service, had prayer, then slept the rest of the day. I do believe in the power of prayer but I have never seen such a miracle as this!”


My idea literally went to the dogs! During my ministry travels amongst the poor I had made a decision that years later would go to the dogs.

I have purchased thousands of Bibles and have given them away to needy people who couldn’t afford to purchase a copy for themselves.

Seeing the gratitude they had to receive just one copy of God’s Word, I decided that I would keep the Bible that I had for the rest of my life.

This Bible has traveled the World with me. It has accompanied me to some of the World’s largest cities, and then to some of the most remote places on the earth. What a wonderful travel companion it has been to me.

This Bible has survived thousands of miles of travel on rough terrain, airport checks, dirt, dust, spills, and even the hands of little children.

It has been a powerful guide for the past 20 years that would alter my world views on life. I know exactly where to find a favorite Scripture within a few seconds. It’s margins are filled with personal handwritten notes that I jotted down, and it also has important scribbles that a few of my children made when they were just toddlers.

During a recent visit to my parents home, their new puppy curiously checked out my things and got a hold of my Bible and chewed up many of its precious pages. Apologetically, my mom presented me my Bible. My immediate thoughts went to my decision I had made years before that this would be the only Bible I would own. I looked down at the puppy sheepishly wagging it’s tail and thought, “Now that idea went to the dogs!”

And as I meditate on this incident, I’ve come to the conclusion that some of my ideas about God should have gone to the dogs, because they were not correct. Beliefs that did not match up to the Word, especially my early beliefs as a young Christian in the area of God’s character, and the ways of the Holy Spirit, and all that He provides for us, especially healing and miracles.

Since then I have a new Bible that I read and enjoy very much. It is a different version that I have been reading from for so many years, and so it causes me to look at certain verses with a new light. And my prayer for you, the reader of these posts, is that I can guide you through the healing Scriptures and shed the light of His revelation that He wills to heal you of all things, all the time.

And in regards to my new Bible, it too will accompany me around the World, and I am sure that its contents will cause many of my crazy ideas to go to the dogs as well. But when it comes to healing, my faith only continues to strengthen as I study God’s word about it.

“Study and do your best to present yourself to God approved, a workman [tested by trial] who has no reason to be ashamed, accurately handling and skillfully teaching the word of truth.”      2 Tim. 2:15.


Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.

© 2012 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved. 


Many people around us have received devastating reports of pain and death. They feel frightened and hopeless. We have a life changing message to offer to them. A message of hope and healing for those that are sick and hurting.

But sometimes we feel insecure to deliver this message. What if they refuse the message? In all honesty, I have offered this message to thousands of people and have only ever had a few refuse prayer. What should this tell us? People want hope, and they are waiting for someone to offer to pray for them for healing.

Here are a few  testimonies that I received from a ministry trip to the West Coast of Florida.

A man’s body had been broken from a 180 ft fall, and in serious pain for many years, after being prayed for has slept 2 nights in a row without pain and without using any pain medications. He is rejoicing. He also realized mid-day yesterday that he no longer is using his cane!

A mother and her two daughters came forward for prayer for healing from asthma. They felt a physical release and could all breathe in deep and easy.

A woman received healing into diseased lungs, the next morning she sang all morning long. Before healing she could not even sing one song without being out of breath.

A woman with serious head trauma came forward for prayer, immediately all pain was gone.

A woman came forward for prayer for serious back and shoulder pain. After releasing the healing power of the Holy Spirit I asked her to put her faith into action. She bent over and her back was healed and pain free. I told her to lift up her arm, and with a surprised look on her face she said, “The pain is gone!”

A woman came to the healing service last night for prayer. She had scoliosis and her spine in her neck was in an “s” shape. Immediately after prayer she could move her neck, bend her back with no pain.

A woman came forward for the healing of her left hip. I released the healing power of the Holy Spirit into her, she fell to the ground screaming, and she stood up rejoicing because she was totally healed!

A little boy had a speech problem and others could not understand him. After prayer last night, on the way home in the car his family was astounded as they could clearly understand his words.

A woman who had a serious allergy to cigarette smoke, who could not even stand near someone that had been smoking was healed at last night’s healing service.

As I was praying over a woman for healing from a large hernia, both her and I felt as if someone was stitching her up on the inside.

A man was instantly healed of a 12 year headache!

A woman had a serious car accident and suffered from severe pain and had trouble walking. She was instantly healed and walked up and down the stairs by herself.

Be willing to be used by God and deliver a message of hope and healing. Stretch forth your hands and allow the healing power of the Lord flow through your hands.

Don’t ever allow anyone to steal your hope for your healing. Healing is for today, and it is for you!

Becky Dvorak is a prophetic healing evangelist and the Destiny Image author of DARE to Believe and Greater Than Magic and, soon to be released, The Healing Creed. Visit her at authorbeckydvorak.com.

Can Pets Be Healed?

Can Pets Be Healed?

Can pets be healed? This is an interesting question that people frequently ask me. And to answer this question, yes, even pets can be healed. I share a testimony in my book, DARE to Believe in Chapter3, Resolving Doubts and Questions Concerning Healing on pages 94-96 about a puppy that I accidentally ran over with the car. With tears streaming down my face I prayed to the Lord to heal the puppy and it was amazingly healed. I guess we should not be surprised by this, after all the Bible does say that if we believe all things are possible , (see Mark 9:23). The Word also states that there is the power of life and death in the tongue, (see Proverbs 18:21). It doesn’t say this applies only when believing for life for humans, so we can safely say that we can believe for healing for our pets too.

I received this healing testimony on my facebook page @ https://www.facebook.com/AuthorBeckyDvorak from Courtney Franklin.

“Becky, I have a story of healing for you. Over the last six months or so, my dog had two papillomas pop up on her face. Both had to be surgically removed because other treatments weren’t effective. These surgeries were very expensive not to mention no fun for my pup or me. About a month ago, I noticed another one popping up above her eye. I laid my hand on it and asked God for healing. It went away!! I’ve been telling everyone. Praise Jesus!”

As we can see we have been given authority over all things, including sickness and disease attacking our pets. DARE to Believe!

Fungus Disappears

After the message a young teenage girl came forward for prayer for healing from a fungus that was spreading all over her body. I commanded the fungus to stop producing and to disappear in the name of Jesus. A few minutes later the girl and her family came forward to testify that the white spots on her pretty brown face had already disappeared. DARE to Believe!

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