Diligence Is Rewarded

Scripture Reading:  “But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.” Hebrews 11:6  I was teaching the Word to the Maasai people in the Serengeti Plains. After ministering in a particular village, […]

What Would You Ask of God?

If you could ask for whatever you want, what would you ask of God for yourself? Do you know? I find oftentimes, Christians say they want one thing from God, but as I become involved in their situation I discover they really desire another thing. One time I was asked to minister to a woman […]

Hope in Times of Crisis

Our family was preparing to leave Guatemala for two months to travel in the States. It was late in the afternoon and we were running behind schedule. I was walking home from the store and I saw a sister-in-the-Lord sitting in her car waiting for her children to leave the school building. As busy as […]

Chronic Headaches Healed by Faith

On September 16, 2016, Ju Zhimomi from Nagaland, India sends the following prayer request, “I get sudden and severe unbearable headache from time to time. Please pray for me.” I respond on September 19, 2016, “In Jesus’ name, lay your hand upon your spine. Right now, I command your spine to realign from the top […]

A Word of Restitution

While I was being introduced to a governor and his vice governor I heard the Spirit of the Lord speak into my ear a word for them. It was, “Restitution”. They both held back tears as I spoke this word and the others that flowed with them. God heard their petitions, and wanted them to […]

Signs and Wonders Win the Lost

Jesus promises to equip us with signs and wonders. “In My name they will cast out demons; they will speak with new tongues; they will take up serpents; and if they drink anything deadly, it will by no means hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover.” After He rises […]

The Progression of a Healing

One of my readers, Jean writes and sends me the following prayer request. I believe this will encourage you and help you to believe for your healing and miracle.   “Dear Becky, I would very much appreciate your prayers for healing for my gum disease and bone loss, and lower teeth. I have an appointment […]

What Is the Gift of Faith?

The Gift of Faith is a special kind of faith that is given as the Holy Spirit wills or desires in order for an individual to receive a miracle from God. We’ve all been given a measure of faith to use in our everyday lives (see Rom. 12:3), but the Gift of Faith is an […]

God Can Handle Our Mistakes

I was mentoring a dear friend of mine in the ways of the Spirit, and while we ere traveling in Tanzania together I asked her to share from her heart a testimony at the next service. At first she was apprehensive. She responded, “What if I make a mistake?” I replied, “God can handle our […]

Step Forward Into the Supernatural

A clear understanding of the supernatural is necessary. For too long Christians of the Western world have denied its existence while the Eastern world has readily walked in the supernatural, but denied God. Why did the Christians of the Western world deny the supernatural? Why did the Eastern world deny God but accept the supernatural? […]
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