Pray Like This and Take These Steps to Get Free from Addiction

For people that are struggling with addiction, or someone you care about is struggling with addiction, there are ways to pray, and steps to take to freedom from addiction. But first, let’s look at why people get stuck in a lifestyle of addiction is that instead of calling it what it is, sin, they call […]

Is Addiction a Disease?

Is addiction a disease? This is the first of a series about addiction of all forms. We are going to look at this difficult situation through the eyes of truth found throughout God’s Word. Today, we are going to look at this and ask ourselves what is it? Is it as the world says–a disease? […]

Watch: Be Delivered from an Orphaned Spirit

Did you grow up without a father figure or was your father figure there but perhaps he was absent, emotionally or spiritually? It’s time to get free from the pain and misery of the past. It’s time to be delivered from an orphaned spirit. People with an orphaned spirit come from all walks of life. They […]
man lifting black dumbbell

The Power of Truth

Truth is a supernatural power that sets people free. And yet, so many of God’s people choose to live under the bondage of lies. Let’s discuss the power of truth, how to find real truth, how to be set free from bondage, and how to keep the power of truth activated in our lives. Where […]
woman hugging boy on her lap

10 Steps to Cleanse Your Family From the Strongholds of Witchcraft

Christians, actual followers of Jesus are struggling to get free from the strongholds of witchcraft, demons and demonic activity. And they are reaching out to be free. And the good news is our Lord wants His people free and is able to free us by the power of His redemptive blood. John 8:36 shares this […]

The Sin of a Racist Spirit

What do we do when we see a rat in the room? We get rid of it! Now some may jump on a chair in fear for a while, but eventually they have to climb down off that chair, catch it, and dispose of it. On the other hand, others who are more daring may […]

The Greatest Cure for Mental Illness Is the Word of God

The greatest cure for mental illness is the Word of God. And I believe much of what the world refers to mental illness is demonic oppression or possession. And I also believe that most deliverance will come by the renewing the soul (the mind and the emotions) with God’s healing word. The Bible tells us […]

How Do I Deal With a Principality?

“How do I deal with a principality? I have been living in terror since a horrific encounter the other night? Please advise. Thank you so much.” I received this request the other day from one of my readers. And I should add that this reader and her request is not unique. Many Christians in these […]
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