Where Does Sickness Come From?

There is a lot of controversy within the body of Christ as to whether or not sickness and disease come from God? Let’s see what the Bible has to say about this. Jesus says in John 10:10, “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that […]

Why Hasn’t God Healed Me?

This is a frequently asked question that I receive often, in fact, I just received this in my email today. “Why hasn’t God healed me?” Here is what I have found to be true according to God’s Word. Most people miss out on their healing because of the words that they speak. Prov 18:21, teaches […]

Entering Into the Final Hour

This is the word of the Lord given to me at 1:11 AM in Guatemala, February 27, 2017. Know that the battle will be great, the hour is getting late. There is an increase of hate, this is totally the enemy’s bait. But just you wait, for My children the end will be great. You […]

Plan of Action Against Demonic Fits of Rage

Yes, we are to pray for one another, but we also need to know how to put our faith into action. I share this grandmother’s prayer request with my response, a plan of action against demonic fits of rage … I share this with all of you, because many are dealing with these uncontrollable meltdowns, […]

A Warning As the End Draws Nigh

We should be alarmed at what we see taking place within the Body of Christ these days. Such evil is infiltrating our fellowships. The congregants are so full of themselves and the world, and many pastors are so complacent, they walk around with spiritual blinders on, they bend to every whim of society, and these […]

Shaken By the Report

Dear Becky, I have read and enjoyed all your books and receive the message of faith. I had a brain tumor removed and am having treatment to keep it away and I had to see my consultant today and was told that something was showing up on a scan. However, they are not sure what […]

9 Basic Truths about Eternal Life

The enemy is attacking the integrity of the Word of God, and it is causing many to go astray. The Bible teaches us in 2 Timothy 4:3-4,  “For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to […]

Rescued From the Darkness

This is a word of encouragement from your Lord, Jesus Christ. I have rescued you from the powers of darkness, that evil place where the devil is and I am not, that place of utter hopelessness, and being caught in the penalty of sin. You were lost, but I found you. My light shined down […]

Do You Shy Away From Your Healer?

Do you shy away from Jesus as your healer? A trace of shyness would reveal a lack of confidence with Him. Scriptures tell us in Hebrews 4:16, “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.” He desires us to […]

30 Love Scriptures for You

These 30 love scriptures are designed to teach you how to love God, others, and yourself. Imagine the impact we can make if we will put these into practice on a daily basis. Love Gives: “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not […]
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