I receive many prayer requests daily, and many are crying out for help from suicidal thoughts. If this is you, know that God loves you and has a purpose for you to fulfill. And He says that we are always to choose life. Your life matters to God! And if you are not struggling with […]

The Spirit of Suicide
An invasive army of demonic influence has moved in, and it’s being led by one of satan’s generals–the spirit of death. Suicide is taking place in grievous numbers. We are living in a day and age when God is being removed from the hearts and minds of the people. And when tough times come, and […]

Your Faith Can Save a Life
Your gift of faith, no matter the measure-even if it is the size of a mustard seed, when actively shared with others by your faith- filled words and prayers can make the difference, they can actually save a life.
What Does God Say About Suicide or Assisted Suicide?
With the rise of suicide and assisted suicide let’s talk about what God has to say concerning these matters.