An invasive army of demonic influence has moved in, and it’s being led by one of satan’s generals–the spirit of death. Suicide is taking place in grievous numbers.

We are living in a day and age when God is being removed from the hearts and minds of the people. And when tough times come, and they come to all, people who don’t know Christ have nowhere to turn for help. Yes, God created human beings to encourage and stand with one another, but there are deep-rooted issues in life that God, Himself, is the only answer. And the devil is doing everything within his power in this late hour to hide from the people God and His plan of redemption.

Along with removing God from the hearts and minds of the people, the spirit of death and its evil ways are eroding away the value of life. We live in times when everything and anything goes, except God and His principles, hare being eliminated from schools, the government, even conversations. This leaves many people riddled with guilt and shame, with no knowledge of where to be cleansed spiritually. Emotionally they are void of the love of God. And without sensing the love He has for them; they can’t love themselves. Nor can they love others around them.

In light of this epidemic, we as Christians need to be about our heavenly Father’s business and teach people the truth, no matter what the world says they will do to us. Speak up and tell the truth. Tell people with both your words and by your actions, that God truly loves and cares for them. And so do you. Teach them who they really are in Christ, and that God is the Giver of Life, and He says that we always choose life.

Be real with the people; be willing and open to talk about the everyday issues that they are facing today. Don’t be afraid to tell them what the Bible really has to say about present-day issues, no matter the topic–be honest. And in the Spirit of the love of Jesus show them what God’s Word says. Many people nowadays do not know about God and His Word and His ways. If Christians would do what they are commissioned to do–be the voice, hands, and feet of the Father–people would have hope and be better off than they are today.

A Prophetic Word from the Lord

The Lord would say to you this day, “I have not left you, and I never will. I have gone before you in every trial. I have been tempted in every way, but I never gave in because I had you in My mind’s eye. I love you with a love that the world does not understand, and it comes from the heart of the Father. I and My Father are one. We are united in Our quest for you, but I realize that the enemy is bearing down hard upon you, but greater is My Spirit within you, than he who is in this world. Be not afraid and be not dismayed, for I am with you, always, even to the end of the earth and beyond.”

**Taken from my book, “Conquering the Spirit of Death”, Chapter 9, The Spirit of Suicide, pages 131-132.

Click here to learn about Conquering Suicide and more in  Becky’s  book, “Conquering the Spirit of Death”.

Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.

© 2023 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

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