It is time for the Body of Christ to take a stand against satan and his mass weapon of destruction called autism. It is not right that Christians are suffering from this disease, or any disease for that matter. We have been given all the authority in Jesus, the Healer over autism. I believe it is time for us to join our faith together and bring this demonic attack against God’s people down. I am not speaking of coping methods, but deliverance and healing that the Messiah so richly blessed His followers with. Watch, listen and learn to find out what God has put in my heart.

Becky Dvorak is a prophetic healing evangelist and the Destiny Image author of DARE to Believe, Greater Than Magic and The Healing Creed. Visit her at

7 thoughts on “We Have Authority Over Autism

  1. I have two grandchildren with autism Mackenzie age 10and her brother Lachlan7. My family have been praying for healing fir them fir many years. They are non verbal and not toilet trained. It gas put a huge strain on our family unit. Please join with yes in their deliverance from autism thank you so much. Susanna from Sydney Australia

  2. Sis Becky,
    Amen, Amen, Amen. It is time that the body of Christ ban together to eradicate this evil, dreadful, demonic, disease. It has reeked havoc in my life and I am taking authority. I am believing that every child that suffers with the will be prayed for and healed. I could feel your compassion while you were talking.
    Hugs Marilyn

  3. I am so ready for my son to be healed of autism! Aaron is 29. He is in a group home, cannot speak, is on 2 medications, one for seizures and the other to help him cope better. He has many food sensitivities, OCDs and even though he is doing better than ever, it is because we have to keep these pieces in place, I have been believing God for total healing because it’s a constant job and can be very exhausting even though we have help from many great and caring people. My husband and I are our son’s guardian and no other person loves or cares for him like we do. We want Aaron whole and my other sons and grandchildren, too. It’s time!
    I bought your book when you were on Sid Roth’s It’s Supernatural and read it almost every day along with other healing books and believe that it is definitely God’s will to heal completely. There are so many children and families that need to be healed of autism and other learning disabilities, gut issues and more. It’s time. Thank you for stepping out. And I am so happy for your son and family. Thanks again Becky.

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