The Spirit of God is speaking to me about the prophetic significance of the donkey at the birth of Christ. It’s a rich lesson that perhaps many have passed over. But before I begin, I want to share with you how this message came to me.
A few days ago, I receive an invitation to a neighbor’s house to look at something they no longer want. I know it is some sort of nativity scene, but the way my other friend describes it I’m not sure if I want it either! But I should know better, the Lord always has my best interest in mind. When I see it I know it is for me. The neighbor that gives this set to me, doesn’t know it’s my 60th birthday this day, or how much I have missed openly celebrating Christmas. (For 25 years we were missionaries in a country where the Christians felt it was sinful to celebrate Christmas.) Yes, it is a gift from my neighbor, but it really is a gift to me from my Lord, and I am sharing it with you. And as I enjoy its beauty, I find my spirit is contemplating upon each animal and person, and the Spirit of the Lord is speaking messages to me to share with you this Christmas season.
My spiritual eye is drawn to the donkey, a beast of burden. And as I meditate upon it’s purpose within the Christmas story I imagine it carrying a load of great heaviness–a young virgin girl impregnated with the supernatural saving grace of God–Jesus, the Christ. Now, it’s not the young virgin girl that’s supernaturally pregnant with a child that’s the burden of heaviness. I see her as another example of our God taking an impossible situation and making it possible. But this is a topic for another time. What then is this burden of heaviness? This great load of heaviness is delivering “The Answer” to a lost and dying world, that doesn’t realize they are lost, and the danger they are facing–eternal damnation. So it is very fitting that “The Answer” is delivered to us on a donkey, a beast of burden.
So many people, saved and unsaved are carrying a heavy burden that they are not meant to bear alone. And this Christmas season would be the right time to allow Jesus–our burden bearer to carry the spirit of heaviness, the weight of this sinful world, and all the evil consequences of it upon His back.
Psalm 55:22 tells us what to do with this heavy burden. It says, “Cast your burden on the Lord, and He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved.”
Let’s pray together right now, and hand the burden over to Him.
Dear Jesus,
You are my spiritual beast of burden, and I place this spiritual heaviness where it belongs–upon Your back. I cannot bear this heavy load alone. And I see that in the manger scene you placed a donkey, with prophetic significance that has applicable meaning for me today, and that You came to lift this weighty burden of sin, and its consequences–sickness, disease, depression, fear, anxiety, failure, and so much more off of me. I willfully give all of this heaviness to You and place it upon Your back. In Your name, I thank You for setting me free, amen.
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© 2020 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.