I was sitting down speaking with one of the out-of-state guests at a recent healing seminar in Purcellville, VA. This woman came with various needs for healing. She began to tell me that she was a nurse and how sometimes it can stand in the way of supernatural healing, but she came with a need for a healing in her retina. It appeared she had a hole, tear, or detachment taking place in her retina. This caused her great concern as it can lead to blindness. She also had need for the healing of her sinus’.
She wrote me with excitement this evening to share the good reports from the other weekend’s healing seminar. She writes, “I just wanted to let you know what happened after you prayed and laid hands on my eyes. I went back to the eye specialist Dr … in Fort Wayne, Indiana. She stated the visceral detachment did NOT cause any retinal tears or detachment! She asked me to come back for a checkup in one year…the usual amount of time for a visceral detachment to heal is 3 months or more, mine started about 5weeks ago and did no further damage after you prayed for me. I was given an extensive eye exam and pronounced to have very good vision.
The next morning after you prayed for me I was awakened by a “crackling” noise in my sinuses!!! It sounded like someone was crumpling up a piece of newspaper, but the sound was in my sinuses. Then suddenly it was like a strong gust went through my sinuses and I could breathe like I never have before!
Imagine what it was like for her to wake up to what she thought was someone crumpling newspaper near her, only to realize it was the Holy Spirit recreating her sinuses, and feeling a gust of air blow through them and suddenly being able to breathe freely.
The verse that comes to my spirit immediately after reading this comes from 1 Corinthians 2:9 that declares, “Eye has not seen, nor ear heard, nor have entered into the heart of man the things which God has prepared for those who love Him.”
The natural man, the 5 senses, human reasoning and medical reports, no matter how brilliant, how accurate, or how sense-filled they may be cannot see and hear into the supernatural realm of God. It takes the eyes and ears of faith to believe when everything else tells us not to.
What an awesome healing testimony this is. Her retina and sinuses all healed at the same time. Look what faith in the right source can do. And in this case, the right source is in her Lord Jesus Christ that she loves, and in His promise to heal her.
Becky Dvorak is a prophetic healing evangelist and the Destiny Image author of DARE to Believe, Greater Than Magic and The Healing Creed. Visit her at authorbeckydvorak.com.