A Little Girl Healed of 30+Warts

This is a wonderful testimony that I received today about a little 7 year old girl who dared to believe God to heal her hands and feet from over 30 warts.

Hi Becky,

I hope all is well for you and your family. I just wanted to give you an update. You prayed for my little girl at Transforming Life Church in Llyod, FL. She had 30+ warts all over her hands and feet. I am glad to say that the last one fell off a couple of days ago. Praise God! He is so good and worthy to be praised. I just wanted to thank you for everything you do and for being the willing vessel that you are. This has really encouraged my little Kaleah (7 yrs old) and she is praying and laying hands on others now and claiming healing in the name of Jesus. It makes my heart smile. Thanks again for you kind prayers and we will be praying for you guys as well.

Karisa Donaldson

What is so beautiful about this testimony is that this little girl was with her mother at a recent DARE to Believe Healing Service. The little girl heard the message that Jesus wants to heal us of all things. And her faith was stirred to come to the altar and ask for healing from all these many warts on her hands and feet.

I lay my hands on hers and cursed these growths and commanded them to dry up and to fall off. And then I gave her a faith assignment, every morning and evening as she was changing in and out of her pajamas I told her to lay her hands on these warts and speak to them and say, “Dry up and fall off in Jesus’ name!” She did and the 30+ warts dried up and fell off of her hands and feet. DARE to Believe.

Injured Heels Healed

At a recent DARE to Believe Healing Service in Nashville, TN a young man came forward to receive healing. He suffered pain from injured heels. I quickly touched his heels with my foot and told him to put his faith into action and jump. He jumped and was instantly healed for the glory of God! DARE to Believe!

Yes, Jesus Wants to Heal

elderly couple on swing“Yes, Jesus wants to heal that too!” This was my response to an elderly woman who was overflowing with joy as all the arthritis pain was instantly gone from her husband. So, in response to her request, I lay my hands over his ears and he could instantly hear out of his once deaf ears. Then he asked me to minister to his weak eyes and they were instantly restored. Jesus wants to heal it all!

Anoint a Prayer Cloth

Dear Becky,

My grandson, Alvin was admitted to the psychiatric ward today. He has been hearing voices that say they want to harm us. Please join your faith with mine for his deliverance.

Grandma Susan

Dear Grandma Susan,

Before you visit Alvin in the psychiatric ward, anoint a prayer cloth with oil. (A little dab of vegetable or olive oil will do.) Hold this prayer cloth in your hand and start to intercede for Alvin. In the name of Jesus, come against all demonic spirits that are attacking him. Take your authority over a spirit of fear, death, suicide, murder and all other harmful spirits that are manifesting through him. Command all lying spirits to be silent in Jesus’ name. Cast these wicked demons out of him.

In the New Testament, we read the story from Luke 8:26-39, of Jesus’ encounter with a demoniac, a man possessed with demons. Demons manifest in the presence of Jesus Christ. And by their actions they identify themselves.

In verse 27 it says that the man wore no clothes. Spiritually speaking the man was missing his spiritual covering, the glory of God. He was stripped of his identity. Then it goes on to say in the same verse that he lived in the tombs. The spiritual significance of this is that he is possessed with a spirit of death. In verse 28 we read how an unclean spirit (ungodly spirit) is begging Jesus to stop tormenting him. Demons cannot stand to be in the Lord’s presence. It drives them mad. And the demons throw the man on the ground in seizures, and drives him into the wilderness, away from the presence of God or human contact. A place of utter torment where they have total control of the human being who was created in the mirror image of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

In verse 20 we read how Jesus asked the demons to identify themselves. And they replied to His authority and identified themselves as Legion, meaning many demons. They begged and pleaded Jesus Christ not to send them into the abyss.

In cases of deliverance I have had the demons beg me not to send them to this place. And I have learned if the demons do not want to go there, it must be very bad. Now, I want to be very clear here, I do not play around or converse with demons, I use my authority in Jesus Christ and cast them out of the person immediately.

My reason for sharing this story of Jesus is to show you how to identify the demonic spirits attacking your grandson.

With the prayer cloth in hand, declare with the power of your faith-filled words Alvin’s freedom from all satanic power. Release the healing power of the Holy Spirit to manifest in Alvin’s spirit, soul and body. That he will become whole by the blood of Jesus that was shed for his deliverance.

Spend the time, and pray the perfect will of the Father over Alvin and pray in the Spirit.

Then go to Alvin and place the cloth on or near his body. You may need to place this cloth inside of his pillowcase, or under his mattress.

Ask the Father, to release His ministering angels around Alvin. And that they cry out, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God almighty. Who was, Who is and Who is to come.” And other angels cry out the name of Jesus 24/7 over Alvin all the days of his life.

I know from experience that the enemy cannot stand to be in the presence of true worship of the Father.

Every deliverance is different, but as you put your faith into action, and anoint a prayer cloth and intercede for Alvin’s deliverance, you prepare the spiritual atmosphere and build your own faith for his complete deliverance. The Holy Spirit will show you how to walk though this deliverance. For now, anoint the prayer cloth, and intercede for Alvin’s complete deliverance.

Deliverance From a Spirit of Vengeance

During the worship service, before David ministered a powerful message of deliverance from the enemy, the Spirit of the Lord spoke to my heart. He said, “Minister deliverance from a spirit of vengeance in this place.”

You may wonder what a spirit of vengeance is. It is a violent spirit that demands that people suffer for their wrong doing against you. It refuses to release people, and to forgive them. And it causes division, divorce, and destruction in the lives of people.

In this particular land there is a strong territorial spirit of vengeance, and it is in the Church as well. But the Spirit of the Lord wants His people free from all demonic forces.

I share this with you, because I know that it is not only in Guatemala, but it is in the Church world-wide. And it is time to free ourselves from the bondage of vengeance. Whether we are perpetrators or victims, it is time to be free.

We called those that needed deliverance from this violent spirit to come forth. Many people came forward. Both young and old, married and single came to the altar for deliverance. The pastor played a song of deliverance, and David and I cast the spirit of vengeance out of the people.

We had them repent to the Lord for holding onto bitterness, and for acting out that bitterness. Along with asking the Lord for forgiveness, they released the people by name from their vengeance.

A couple sat in the back of the Church, but they came forward and knelt before the Lord at the altar. I first ministered to the man, I cast out a spirit of vengeance from him. Tears flowed as he repented and released. When I went to lay hands on the woman, a strong demonic spirit manifested through her. It took longer to work through this with her, because when she tried to release her husband from her vengeance, the demonic spirit said, “NO!” And it fought to keep her in bondage. I commanded in Jesus’ name that it release her. She finally spoke out, “I forgive him. I release him from my vengeance.” And the demonic spirit of vengeance came up and out of her.

It was beautiful to see as the others returned to their seats, this husband and wife were still on their knees before the Lord. Her head was resting on his shoulder. And they held onto each other and wept. They were both free.

It is never the Lord’s will that we take vengeance into our own hands. He says that vengeance belongs to Him. (See Romans 12:19.) We want immediate results in these matters, but Psalms 103:8 says, “The Lord is merciful and gracious, Slow to anger, and abounding in mercy.” He gives people the opportunity to work through the issues, and we should be like Him.

If you deal with a spirit of vengeance, it is time to be set free from it. Repent to Jesus Christ for this bitterness and release the people by name from your vengeance. Allow the Holy Spirit to deliver you from a spirit of vengeance.

Becky Dvorak is a prophetic healing minister and the Destiny Image author of DARE to Believe and Greater Than Magic. Visit her at authorbeckydvorak.com.

Confronting a Spirit of Death

Hi Becky,
“Right now I cannot go to see my sister anymore. She is very vile with me. I’m not sure why but even the private nurse I hired for her told me that she changes her attitude dramatically as soon as I stop by. She won’t eat, she won’t do anything and she says the strangest things to me about me. I’m not insulted or hurt ( well I’m hurt that I upset her so much but I know it is not her. My sister is sweet and caring) but I don’t think I’m doing good by coming over. I’m kind of at a loss as to why I’m having this effect on her. I guess I just wanted to share that perhaps being physically close to her may not be the best thing for her. Hopefully she will come around soon.”

Dear Caring Sister,

What you are confronting is a demon spirit called death. It is attacking you, because it is afraid of you and the power that you possess over it. That is exactly what it wants you to do. Retreat, give up. Don’t you let it control you. YOU dominate it and command it to leave regardless of what the family thinks or says. Your family is struggling with many different types of demonic influences, spirits. You are the light in the darkness. And the darker the situation the brighter you shine for His glory.

Ephesians 6:12 says, “For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age,against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.”

Interceding for You,                                                                                                                           Becky

Healthy Teeth and Gums by Faith

12274568_1216908828335748_9132617556757837266_nThere are people who believe and receive by faith healthy teeth and gums. Here are testimonies of two people who believed and received.

Margie from Ocala, Florida suffered from severe gum disease. She could not eat or even touch her teeth lightly together without serious pain. She dared to believe God at a DARE to Believe healing service. She put her faith into action, and started to bite down on her teeth. Her gums and teeth were instantly healed in Jesus’ name.

Dennis from Live Oak, Florida recently sent in the following praise report. “Hey Becky, you prayed for my teeth on Sunday night. Afterwards, I went to Subway, and ate a sandwich, and drank some lemonade with no pain.”

The Word tells us in Jeremiah 30:17, “For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds’, says the Lord…” NKJ

Let’s learn to trust God for the physical healing of our bodies. Even if we have dental needs, let us learn to look to Him first, and learn how to receive by faith healthy teeth and gums.


Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.

© 2012 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

An Elderly Woman Healed

eldely woman working in the kitchenAn elderly woman dared to believe and came forward for healing of various ailments. The main healing she was seeking was for her digestive system. She was always in great pain because her intestines would cramp into a big ball. This caused severe pain, and discomfort. It was a situation that controlled her everyday life.

As I released the healing power of the Holy Spirit into her body she said that she felt like a baby moved within her, as the intestines released and moved back into place.

This precious elderly woman also suffered from arthritis all over her body, and all the pain just lifted off of her body.

She also suffered from tinnitus and the ringing ceased instantly in the name of Jesus.

The whole Church was blessed as she stood in front and testified of her healings and God’s great goodness towards her.

Regardless of age, healing belongs to those of us who believe in Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. And He wants us free from sickness, disease and pain. He wants us healed so much that He shed His blood for our physical healing by allowing to be whipped for all sickness and disease.

Becky Dvorak is a prophetic healing minister and the Destiny Image author of DARE to Believe and Greater Than Magic. Visit her at authorbeckydvorak.com.

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