Purcellville, VA Healing Seminar July 28th

JULY 28, 2018 — Saturday — Purcellville, VA — Healing Seminar — St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, 37018 Glendale Street, Purcellville, Virginia | Phone 540.338.7307. Hosts: Dave Hunt, Rev. Tom Simmons.  Daytime 8 AM — 4:30 PM — $25 Admission includes breakfast, lunch, and morning and afternoon refreshments — Healing Seminar —  CLICK TO REGISTER. Evening  […]

The Importance of Healing In the Last Days

Never underestimate the power of healing, whether it be your healing or the healing of another in these last days. Healing points to the Messiah. It proves that the God you have been professing all these years is real. This is why the enemy fights so hard against this message. He is afraid of the […]

Deliverance From an Orphaned Spirit

Many people are suffering from an orphaned spirit. But what is it? People with an orphaned spirit usually have a lifelong wrestle with feelings of depression, rejection and low self esteem. They find it difficult to believe that they can truly be loved by anyone, including God. They are often manipulative and problematic, and suffer […]

Holy Spirit’s Power Overcomes Addiction

In my last post, “Is Addiction a Disease?” we looked at several common problems that get people stuck. The first reason people get stuck in a life-style of addiction is that instead of calling it what it is, sin, they call it a disease and therefore do not deal with the root of the problem […]

Is There More to Christianity than Salvation?

You believe Jesus is Lord, you attend weekly services at your local Christian fellowship, you read the Bible, and even memorize Scriptures. Yet, something is missing. You begin to question your walk with the Lord. And with quite a bit of delusion, you have come to the conclusion that something is missing and there has […]

Signs of Healing Begin to Manifest for Autism

The other week in Folsom, California 2 ladies came together, both mothers of little children suffering from autism and other physical and mental issues. When they came for ministry we witnessed a gentle touch of the Holy Spirit’s healing power for these children. The first mama held onto her little girl, and this one responded […]

Faith is More Valuable than Money

Have you ever taken the time to ponder about the wealth you possess? Most people when doing so would immediately think about their financial portfolio. How much wealth have they accumulated in worldly terms. But is this really how we are to measure our wealth? Or is there something more valuable than money? Yes, there […]

Take Down the Stronghold of Unbelief

It’s a decision, and a quality one to take down the stronghold of unbelief, and a Christian family did just that. They came to a recent healing seminar in Folsom, California and each family member had a physical disease or ailment, and they decided that enough was enough. No longer were they going to suffer […]

Is It Enough to Just Believe

The Holy Spirit constantly challenges my faith, and causes me to think about what I believe, and why I believe a certain way. And so I present the same questions to you that He does to me. Today, I posted the following comment on social media, “No matter what people may say, God says that […]

Austin, TX — Healing Seminar

FEBRUARY 2018 2nd -3rd — Austin, Texas — Healing Seminar — Host: Pastor George &  Paula Crisp of Angels Healing and Recovery Church,  Location: Sunrise Community Church, 4430 Manchaca Rd, Austin TX 78745. To register click on links below. Feb 2nd –Friday evening — Healing Service — 7-9 pm. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/ friday-healing-service-becky-dvorak-tickets-41024282734? aff=es2 Feb 3rd –Saturday […]
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