Making Merry this Christmas

Making merry this Christmas may seem challenging, but it is possible, and not only is it possible it is necessary. Making merry doesn’t mean to get drunk or high as the world would have you to believe. That type of activity only leaves people feeling emotionally empty and in want for something more. Making merry […]

Unbinding Ourselves From a Spirit of Death

Last week as I was recording my first 14 episodes of my own tv show, “Empowered for Healing and Miracles” for ISN (Sid Roth’s–It’s Supernatural!) channel, the Lord spoke something to my heart as I was recording one of the shows. He spoke to my heart, “Tell them to unbind themselves from a spirit of […]

The Healing Wave Has Arrived

You have heard me share a prophetic word from God about a tsunami wave of healing hitting the western world.  God told us that that no longer would His people ask, “Why not healing in the western world?” He told us that in this wave there would be healing of all types, even unusual healings. […]

Your Faith Heals You

People write and say that they are waiting for the manifestation of their healing. I get it. But according to the Word of God, faith is all the evidence that you need to know that you are healed. For clearer understanding, let’s delve into this topic a little bit more. Faith is trust, and like […]

The Power of Your Speech

Have you ever stopped to think about the power of your speech? According to Proverbs 18:21 you have the power of life and death in your tongue. That’s amazing strength, and not to be taken lightly.  Consider the possibilities your miracle working words possess. With all this power in your tongue, perhaps it would be […]

The Prophetic and Healing Power of Your Words

Dear Family and Friends, I am happy to share with you details about my next book, The Prophetic and Healing Power of Your Words. The message of this book is going to help you in every area of your life, especially with your healing. We received our shipment of books so you can start to […]

God’s Supernatural Power in You is Recognizable

Others around you will recognize when you walk in the supernatural power of God and they will seek you out. I was sitting down listening to one of the local pastors at an outdoor evangelistic campaign and a lady in a nearby house saw me sitting on the bench and sent for me to come […]

Trust God

Are you or a loved one facing a very difficult problem? Does it seem that others around you have given up all hope? It’s a tough spot to find yourself in, but it happens. God’s people give up hope for healing everyday. They even believe that God tells them that He won’t come through for […]

Purcellville, VA Healing Seminar July 28th

JULY 28, 2018 — Saturday — Purcellville, VA — Healing Seminar — St. Peter’s Episcopal Church, 37018 Glendale Street, Purcellville, Virginia | Phone 540.338.7307. Hosts: Dave Hunt, Rev. Tom Simmons.  Daytime 8 AM — 4:30 PM — $25 Admission includes breakfast, lunch, and morning and afternoon refreshments — Healing Seminar —  CLICK TO REGISTER. Evening  […]
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