There is great power in a word of encouragement. And this is why the enemy fights so hard to try and discredit an encouraging statement of faith. He is aware that we have been created in the mirror image of God, and have been given by God the power to create and destroy with our […]

Conquering the Spirit of Death in the NICU Ward
One of the victims of the spirit of death is the vulnerable, those that can’t fight the good fight of faith on their own, and such is the case in the NICU ward. But Terri, a woman of faith, my friend, and one of my intercessors stood in the gap for one of these precious […]

God Heals Lung Cancer
God still heals, and yesterday morning I receive this wonderful testimony from Paul and Jane in Europe that shows God still heals. And in this case–God heals lung cancer. “Dear Becky, I’m Paul from Europe. I wrote to you this year 11.02. and 04.03. about my wife, Jane’s illness. She had lung cancer. Your prayers, […]

Remember, God is Not the Mountain
It’s important to know and remember that God is not the mountain standing in your way, satan is. Therefore, while speaking to this mountain, and not about the mountain, you do not beg God for your answer. He completed His work at Calvary, and now it is your turn to work His work. If you […]

Healed of Cancer+ by Faith
I want to share this powerful healing testimony from cancer+ with you from a music minister, long-time friend, and sister-in-Jesus. We rejoice with you, Mary Ellen! She shares on her social media, “I have known this lady, Becky Dvorak for 40 years. She and I sang together at Church of the Jubilee. She watched my […]

Say What You Have? Or Say What You Need?
Do you say what you have? Or do you say what you need? This is the topic of discussion for today. Knowing that our words have the power of life and death in them we need to take what we say very seriously. But most people don’t consider what they say and just blurt whatever […]

Healing Prayer for a Stubborn Mountainous Disease
Are you fighting a battle with a stubborn mountainous disease that doesn’t appear to go away? Let’s talk about this today, using the example from one of my readers, and share a healing prayer to bring this mountain down. But before this let us first talk about mountains in the natural realm of things. The […]

Healing Prayer for Cancer
A reader writes requesting prayer for her sister who had just been diagnosed with stage 4 cancer. This is the prayer I prayed for her and know it would be very helpful for many other people suffering from this vicious attack from the enemy. In the name of Jesus’ I renounce this vicious spirit of […]

How do You Speak to That Mountain?
A reader writes and asks, “When believing for healing manifestation, do I continually speak to the mountain or do I just keep thanking God and confess my healing or both?” This is a great question. It depends upon the way you are speaking. Are you speaking about the mountain, which will increase its demonic stronghold […]

Daily Improvements From a Stroke
Do you remember the lady from the other day that wrote concerning the need for healing prayer for her husband who suffered from a stroke? Well, I want to write and share her testimony with you about what they are witnessing since this prayer of faith was verbally released over him. “Again I say to […]