I received this letter from a woman whose son was diagnosed with autism. As you may know our adopted son, Andres was severely autistic. But we dared to believe in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ and he is no longer autistic. he is delivered and healed. Here is this mama’s letter. “My son Samuel is 3 years old and was recently diagnosed with autism. He has major behavioral problems, speech delayed and developmental delays. He won’t eat as much having trouble eating, feeding self and underweight. Please help us pray for healing for Samuel from all of this. “

My response:

I join my faith with your faith for Samuel for the deliverance from an autistic spirit in Jesus’ name.

I come against you foul wicked spirit that has attacked this little boy. You leave him at once. I speak and release the Spirit of the Lord over Samuel, and that a spirit of peace come over him. All aggressive, violent and destructive behaviors stop in the name of the Lord. All screaming, tantrums, head banging, pinching, biting, and spitting stop in Jesus’ name.

I speak to your spirit Samuel, I release the healing power of the Holy Spirit to flow through your brain, nervous system and your 5 senses. I declare that these things are healed and made whole.

Your brain is recreated by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ. Any and all seizures stop. They may not continue, they may not travel down familiar pathways that have been made in the brain. We erase those old familiar pathways, and no new pathways may be recreated in Jesus’ name.

I declare that your electrical system is recreated in Jesus’ name. Your internal wiring is rewired and made whole. Messages from the right and left brain can travel as they are meant to travel.

I speak to your brain stem to be recreated in Jesus’ name. Your speech, your motor skills are recreated by the redemptive work of Christ.

I renounce this negative report spoken over you. You are no longer autistic, but redeemed and made whole in Jesus’ name.

I speak to the eating disorders to be healed. I declare that no longer will textures, colors and smells bother you. Your senses are made whole, and your digestive system is recreated and digests perfectly normal. We dare to believe that you no longer have eating disorders, and can eat in a healthy manner and gain the proper amount of weight that is needed for your size and age.

No longer will you fear to look people in the eye, or be afraid of their touch. We take control over a spirit of fear, and we cast it far from you in Jesus’ name.

I speak to your equal liberum and to the inner ear to be healed and made whole. No longer will you need to spin or spin objects. Your world around you is made whole. You do not need to flap your hands, because your senses are healed. You do not need to be obsessed any longer, because you are free, and whom Jesus sets free is free indeed.

I come against generational curses that have been passed down from the generations. You are free because Jesus became the curse.

I join my faith with your mother’s faith and I believe that you are delivered from autism and free from the unusual behaviors that have attached themselves to you, and declare those things that are not as though they already are. You are healed and delivered in Jesus’ name.

If you would like to read the full story of Andres, see chapter 12 of DARE to Believe.

92 thoughts on “Deliverance Prayer From Austism

  1. Becky, please join me in my faith and prayer for God to deliver my grandson Koda from Autism. He is having nightmares, he catches tantrums, cries and screams for 2 hours straight, kicks, hits, sometimes bites when he is frustrated. Flaps his hands and arms. His talking is sometimes non-coherent and he repeats anything he hears constantly and he growls.
    I thank you for your prayer! God bless!

    1. In the mighty name of Jesus’, I renounce this demonic attack against Koda. I release the healing power of the blood of Jesus to flood his mind and emotions, that the peace of Jesus hovers over Him. I renounce the violent tantrums and outbursts and command them to stop in Jesus’ name and release the healing balm of Gilead into him. I speak creative miracles into his brain, that his communication skills supernaturally develop/ He is able to look you in the eye, speak with clarity his wants and desires, that everything in his physical brain that is wrong is healed and he is made whole for the glory of the Lord, amen.

  2. Please pray for 4 year old Fynn with sev ere Autism symptoms. His family are members of my church.

    1. In Jesus’ name, I renounce this spirit behind autism. I release the same power that raised Jesus from the dead into Flynn’s mind and emotions, throughout his brain and the rest of his physical body, to be able to eat healthy food normally. I renounce fear, rejection, confusion, abnormal behavior. I speak to Flynn’s brain, mind and emotions to be able to communicate with others, look them in the eye, and be able to express with clarity her desires, and to actually hold a logical conversation in Jesus’ name, amen and amen.

  3. Greetings in Jesus’ name, Pastor Becky.

    Please pray for my 5 year old son who has been clinically diagnosed of severe autism. He has been undergoing therapy. I sense that his soul is locked up in the spiritual world. He also have anger problems. His name is David Emmanuel.

    1. In Jesus’ name, I renounce this spirit behind autism. I stand in faith believing that David Emmanuelis delivered from this spirit and tortuous disease called autism. I release the same power that raised Jesus from the dead into David Emmanuel’s mind and emotions, throughout his brain and physical body. I renounce fear, rejection, confusion, abnormal behavior. I speak to David Emmanuel’s brain, mind and emotions to be able to communicate with others, look them in the eye, and be able to express with clarity her desires, and to actually hold a logical conversation in Jesus’ name, amen and amen.

  4. I ask you to join me in asking God to deliver the spirit of autism and life threatening dairy allergy from my 2 year old grandson, Rory. Please join me in praying for the complete and permanent restoration of his health from all the health and behavioral issues he has from the autism and from the serious allergies and digestive problems and heart problems he has. Thank you

    1. In Jesus’ name, I renounce the spirit behind autism in Rory’s life. I renounce fear, rejection, confusion, and unusual behaviors, and release the dunumus and creative power of Holy Spirit to flow through his brain, and physical body, and plead the power of the blood of Jesus over his mind and emotions, dreams and visions. I speak creative miracles into his brain to recreate, heal, strengthen his abilities to communicate logically, and with clarity for the glory of the Lord, amen and amen.

  5. My son is also named Samuel and is also 3 and also has moderate- severe autism and does not speak. Prayers please.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce the label of autism over your son, Samuel. and all the pain and suffering it has caused them. I speak creative miracles to his mind and emotion, and to his physical brain and declare that he is delivered, healed and made whole in every area of life, and that he will be able to look people in the eye, no more fear, no more torment, and that Samuel is able to speak and communicate clearly, all for God’s glory, amen and amen.

        1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce the label of autism and the power behind it and all the pain and suffering it has caused your son, Kai Jaden, and your family. I speak inner healing to his mind and emotions and into his physical brain and all that has been damaged from negative words, medications, treatments, misunderstanding…be healed, made whole. He is delivered in every area of life, all for the glory of the Lord, amen.

      1. My 2 sons are autistic. Their names are Caleb and Abel. I believe in the healing power of Christ. Please join me as we pray to God for their deliverance from Autism Spectrum Disorder

        1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce the label of autism over Caleb and Abel and the demonic power behind it and all the pain and suffering it has caused them. I speak creative miracles to their minds and emotions, and to their physical brains and declare that Caleb and Abel are delivered, healed and made whole in every area of life, and that they are able to look people in the eye, no more fear, no more torment, and that they are able to speak and communicate clearly, all for God’s glory, amen and amen.

  6. Hello Prophet Becky,

    Please pray for my 4 year old son who has delayed development. Doctors believe he has autism. Please pray for his healing because he is due to start school in September and we are so scared.

    Thanks again

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce the label of autism over your son, and the demonic power behind it. I speak creative miracles to his mind and emotions, and into his physical brain and declare that he is delivered, healed and made whole in every area of life. He is able to achieve all developmental milestones and to communicate clearly. I pray he will fulfill the destiny he was created for, all for the glory of the Lord, amen.
      Go to my website for more encouragement and prayers.

  7. Dear Pastor Dvorak,

    Please pray for my son Emmanuel for healing from autism, he is limited verbal with destructive behavior.
    Thank you.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce the label of autism over Emmanual and the demonic power behind it. I speak creative miracles to his mind and emotions, and into his physical brain and declare that he is delivered, healed and made whole in every area of life, no more fear, no more torment and behavior problems, he is able to speak and communicate clearly and read, spell and pronounce words, and develop appropriate language skills, all for the glory of the Lord, amen.

  8. Please kindly pray for my son whon is 2years and 8 months. He has speech delay and trouble sleeping. He wakes up in the middle of the night often and is unable to sooth back to sleep for hours.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce the spirit of developmental delay. I release the healing power of the blood of Jesus to flow through his brain, neurological system, mind and body, to restore to normal speech milestones. I renounce a spirit of fear and command all tormenting spirits to leave, and sweet sleep be restored, in Jesus’ name. No weapon formed against him shall prosper in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

  9. Please pray for my 6 year old boy name Romeo who is nonverbal and not potty trained! Please pray for deliverance and healing!

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce the spirit of developmental delay. I release the healing power of the blood of Jesus to flow through Romeo’s brain, neurological system, mind and body (physical growth) to restore all physical, cognitive, communication, social, emotional, and behavioral skills to normal milestones. No weapon formed against him shall prosper, he will achieve all that he was created to, in Jesus’ name I pray. Amen.

  10. hi beckie, am happy to have come across this forum of testimonies. my daughter was diagnosed with autism but responding better now. howeveri need more of your advice and prayers

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce the label of autism and the power behind it, and all the pain and suffering it has caused your daughter. I speak inner healing to her mind and emotions and into her physical brain and declare that she is delivered, healed and made whole in every area of life for the glory of the Lord, amen.
      Be brave and bold in the power of the blood, knowing that you possess healing power for your daughter in your faith-filled words. Proverbs 18:21 tells us that there is the power of life and death in the words that we speak. Learn to pray in faith, speak words that line up with faith and cause those mountains of sickness and disease to fall for God’s glory and for your good pleasure.
      See this blog/message: https://authorbeckydvorak.com/healing-signs-begin-for-autism/

    1. Yes, you confess words of faith over your child for the results you desire, daily. No longer say that your child is autistic, but rather words of faith, “You have been redeemed, delivered and healed from autism.” Instead of saying they can’t do something, say “In Jesus’ name, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you.”

  11. Hi My Son is 2 years 6 months.
    I am also seeing signs of autism in him .please help me pray for deliverance.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce this label of autism over your son and the demonic power behind it, and all the pain and suffering it has brought you and your son. I speak creative miracles and inner healing to his mind, emotions and into his physical brain. I speak to all that has been damaged from negative words, medications, treatments … be healed, made whole, all for the glory of the Lord, amen.

  12. My 3 year old has been diagnosed with autism. I renounce the spirit of autism and all word curses spoken over here. We have been fighting since she was born she’s my miracle baby ex 24 weeker 1 pound baby. Lord what you have started you will finish in Jesus name full deliverance.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce this label of autism over your son and the demonic power behind it, and all the pain and suffering it has caused your son and you. I speak creative miracles and inner healing to his mind, emotions and into his physical brain. I speak to all that has been damaged from negative words, medications, treatments … be healed, made whole, all for the glory of the Lord, amen.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce autism and the powers behind the label, and all the pain and suffering it has caused your son. I speak inner healing to his mind and emotions and into his physical brain and all that is not right with him to be recreated, healed and he becomes whole all for God’s glory. I release the healing power of Holy Spirit to flow into your daughter to clean and heal this itchy and painful skin, and that she is made whole, for the glory of the Lord, amen.

      1. Please pray for my baby Hailey I’m not sure what’s wrong she almost 2 and don’t speak I’m heartbroken……

        1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce this attack on Hailey, developmental delay, delayed speech and communication. I speak creative miracles to Hailey’s mind and emotions, and into her physical brain and declare that she is delivered, healed and made whole in every area of life. she is able to achieve all developmental milestones and to communicate clearly. I pray she will fulfill the destiny she was created for, all for the glory of the Lord, amen.

  13. Dear Becky please pray for my son, he is 22 months. We are declaring a supernatural touch from the Lord and complete healing to happen suddenly in Jesus name.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of death, a spirit of fear. I release the supernatural healing power of the blood of Jesus over your son. I speak Life into his every cell, tissue, organ and system in his body and declare that by His stripes he is healed and made whole, all for the glory of the Lord. He will live to fulfill the destiny he was created for with life and life in abundance, amen.
      A Prayer of Thanksgiving for your son’s healing: https://authorbeckydvorak.com/thanksgiving-prayer-for-healing/

  14. Thank you for your prayer! I just finished praying it for my son Noah. My son is now seven years old and was diagnosed with autism just after his second birthday. I joining you ladies in faith and pray that our kids with autism are healed in Jesus name, amen!

  15. My 4 year old son was diagnosed with autism. He has no behavioural challenges but he is very fearful. He does not eat alot of foods and his inability to communicate is affecting our family. I believe it may be generational as my husband, his grandfather, his father and now my son had a speech delay. I need your prayer please. Thanks

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce this label of autism over your son and the demonic power behind it. I speak creative miracles to his mind and emotions, and into his physical brain and declare that he is delivered, healed and made whole in every area of life, and that he is able to look people in the eye, no more fear, no more torment, he is able to speak and communicate clearly and accept nutritious foods. I break all generational curses on this family by the power of the blood of Jesus. All for the glory of the Lord, amen.

  16. Dear Becky,
    Pls pray and agree with me of my son Lin wei 100% totally healed from autism in Jesus name! thanks! A mother form China.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce the label of autism and the power behind it and all the pain and suffering it has caused you and your son, Lin. I speak inner healing and creative miracles to his mind and emotions and into his physical brain and that all that has been damaged from negative words, medications, treatments and misunderstandings be delivered, healed, made whole, all for the glory of God, amen.

  17. Hi Becky, please pray for my four year old son he doesn’t talk, self feed or potty trained. The speech therapist said it is autism and my 23 month old is showing the same symptoms he doesn’t say any words and started walking about 2 months ago. I am so exhausted as I have no support system, can’t go to church they can’t attend children’s church or even get a full time job. I pray the tantrums and screaming my stop. Their names are Joshua and Shammah.

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce this label of autism over your sons, Joshua and Shammah. I curse the demonic power behind it and all the pain and suffering it has caused you and you sons. I speak creative miracles into their physical brains, inner healing to their minds and emotions, and declare that they are delivered, healed and made whole in every area of life, and that Joshua and Shammah are able to speak and communicate clearly, no more tantrums, no more torment for them and you. I pray they be healed, made whole for the glory of the Lord, amen.

  18. Hi Becky thank you! I is need that prayer. As a first time mother my son was born with limb differences. He’s 18 months I’m also starting to see autistic signs in him. His name Moriel my name Autumn will you keep us in your prayers! Stay blessed

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce a spirit of autism, a spirit of infirmity. I renounce the powers behind the label. I speak life and creative miracles into Moriel’s brain and recreate all that is not right with Moriel to be healed, that he becomes whole and all that he was meant to be. In Jesus’s name, I command his limbs to be released, bones stretched, elongated and equal in length and strength and that Moriel functions 100% normal in all areas of life, all for glory of the Lord, amen.

  19. Hello Becky, please join your faith with mine and my family over my son Elvis who’s 2years going on 3 years. He exhibit the above traits and was recently diagnosed of autism. Please Becky, pray with my family and I for the healing and restoration of Elvis. I break him from from any ancestry curses of bewitchment in Jesus Christ name.
    Thank you for sharing you testimony with me, God bless you!

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce this label of autism over Elvis, and the demonic power behind it. I speak creative miracles to his mind and emotions, and into his physical brain and declare that he is delivered, healed and made whole in every area of life, and that Elvis is able to look people in the eye, no fear, no torment, and that he is able to speak and communicate clearly, and Elvis will grow into the man he was created for, all for the glory of the Lord

  20. Dear Pastor

    Please pray for my 4 years old daughter Blessy Catherine who is suffering from autism & not at speaking at all ,please pray for her recovery & brain functioning as normal & speech

    1. In the name of Jesus, I renounce this label of autism over Blessy Catherine and the demonic power behind it. I speak creative miracles to her mind and emotions, and to Blessy’s physical brain and declare that she is delivered, healed and made whole in every area of life, and that Blessy is able to look people in the eye, no more fear, no more torment, she is able to speak and communicate clearly for the glory of the Lord, amen and amen.

  21. Just saw this – please pray that God would deliver this 62-year-old woman (me) from ALL symptoms of autism – including digestive issues and brain fog and such

    1. In the name of Jesus’, I renounce this spirit of death, autism, and all the torment and frustration it has caused you. I release the healing power of the blood of Jesus to flow through your mind and emotions to heal you as you choose to forgive all that have hurt and harmed you in any way. I release the creative and miracle working power of Holy Spirit to flow through your physical brain to recreate it and make it whole again. Any all areas that are lacking are recreated, and all skills that you are lagging behind in are healed. You can communicate clearly, and this “fog” is lifted and does not return. You can receive and process information and situations as they arise in your daily life. I command your digestive system to be realigned, cleansed of all impurities, and functioning perfectly normal in Jesus’ name, amen.

  22. I needed that! I am a mother of a nine year old who exhibits the same behavior. I am going to pray that prayer everyday until I see change. Thank you for healing in Jesus name, hallelujah!

    1. Amen, Faith! I love your name. Stand in faith for your son, remembering the Word of God that says to call things that are not as though they already were, this is prophesying God’s promises over your son. Amen and amen.

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