Your Redemption Draws Near

Look up for your redemption draws near.

Do not fear, I will never leave you nor forsake you.

I am your redeemer, and I live.

I will lead all My children down the path of righteousness.

My ways are not always easy, but they are correct.

Many will turn against you. But, if I am for you, then who can stand against you?

Do not fear what they can do to the body, but instead reverence the One who can give and take away life.

I was faithful to the Israelites when they wandered in the desert. And I will be faithful to you too.

The Kingdom, My kingdom will become evident to all.

Keep your eyes fixed upon Me as many will fall.

Many who call Me Lord do not know Who or what they speak about.

The placement of the people within the seven Churches in Revelation will become evident to all.

Pray for the weak ones, many of them will fall.


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© 2015 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

Spiritual Living Posts

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Becky Dvorak is a prophetic healing evangelist and the Destiny Image author of DARE to Believe, Greater Than Magic and The Healing Creed. Visit her at

Healing Posts

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Becky Dvorak is a prophetic healing evangelist and the Destiny Image author of DARE to Believe, Greater Than Magic and The Healing Creed. Visit her at

The Power of Forgiveness to Heal

People suffer spiritually, emotionally, and physically from a lack of knowledge. A deficiency of knowledge, especially in God’s Word, is destructive. God says through His prophet in Hosea 4:6a, “My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.” He goes on to say that His people even reject it. They are unaware that everything that manifests in the physical world is an irrefutable result of spiritual occurrences around them. When it comes to partaking of the Word of God, many are malnourished. They do not have the substance to live victoriously. This insufficiency of the supernatural power of God causes great damage to the Body of Christ. It hinders God’s miraculous intervention to reach His people. God wants us to understand His supernatural ways. And according to John 16:13 in the Amplified Version of the Bible, He sends His Truth-giving Spirit to guide us into all truth, including the revelation knowledge of the supernatural. Jesus shares the power source of this truth in John 8:31-32. He says, “If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.”

A woman in Los Angeles, CA was so bound from arthritis that she could not walk, stand, sit, or lie down without non-stop intense pain. There was no doctor, medicine, treatment, or therapy that could relieve her from this pain. This woman lived a life of misery, and lost her will to live.

The message of this particular healing service was about the power of forgiveness. And the truth of the Word that she heard me speak witnessed on the inside of her. Her friends carried her to the altar. When I saw her I asked her if she was ready to forgive the person that had hurt her. She said yes, she was ready.

She prayed, “Father God, forgive me for not dealing with my anger properly, and allowing it to turn into bitterness. I forgive my husband for his unfaithfulness, and I release him from my vengeance. And in doing so, I am free from the sin of bitterness and the physical effects it has on my body, and I can now boldly stand before Your throne of grace and make my petition for healing made known. I am free to receive Your healing power in me, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.”

Instantly, she was released from the hideous results of bitterness, and her body was healed and made whole. In that moment as she stood before His throne of grace, her body straightened out, all the pain and swelling were gone, and her strength was returned.

She looked up at me and said, “The message is true, and I am free!”

The truth that this woman needed to hear was that of forgiveness. It was the key to unlock her healing and deliverance from arthritis that was destroying her body from the inside to the outside.

The Word of God says that bitterness dries up the bones, (see Prov. 17:22.)

What’s inside the bones? Marrow. What is bone marrow? According to Medical News Today, “Bone marrow is soft, gelatinous tissue that fills the medullary cavities – the centers of bones. There are two types of bone marrow: red bone marrow (also known as myeloid tissue) and yellow bone marrow (fatty tissue).

Both types of bone marrow are highly vascular and enriched with numerous blood vessels and capillaries.

The bone marrow makes more than 200 billion new blood cells every day. Most blood cells in the body develop from cells in the bone marrow. 1

In simpler terms, marrow is a gelatin like fluid, and it produces red and yellow bone marrow. The red bone marrow helps your body produce blood, by making red blood cells. What’s in the blood? Life is in the blood.

The Bible tells us that bitterness dries up the bones. It zaps the very life out of a person. I have seen in healing line after healing line when people suffering from arthritis will forgive those that have done them wrong, and release them from their bitterness that they are most often instantly healed and made whole.

This is no coincidence, the Word of God is truth, and it clearly says concerning forgiveness.

  • A merry heart does good, like medicine, but a broken spirit dries the bones.” Prov. 17:22.
  • “For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.But if you do not forgive men their trespasses, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses.” Matt. 6:14-15.
  • “Let all bitterness, wrath, anger, clamor, and evil speaking be put away from you, with all malice. And be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God in Christ forgave you.” Eph. 4:31-32.
  • “For we do not have a High Priest who cannot sympathize with our weaknesses, but was in all points tempted as we are, yet without sin. Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need. Heb.4:15-16.

Steps to Forgiveness

  1. Make a quality decision today to forgive by faith.
  2. Repent from bitterness.
  3. Release the person that hurt you from your vengeance.
  4. And stand boldly before the throne of grace and ask the Father for what you have need of in Jesus’ name.





Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.

© 2015 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

The Powerful Secret to Heal the Sick

I know that the thought of ministering healing in the name of Jesus can be rather intimidating for some, but we need to remember that we do not go alone. The Holy Spirit, who lives and resides inside of every believer in Jesus Christ, is the one working in and through us. Let me share a personal testimony of what happened the first time I ministered healing to someone.

Back in 1991, in Guatemala City, on a short-term mission trip our team was going door-to-door sharing about Jesus and inviting the people to come to an evangelistic campaign that we were holding in their neighborhood. At one home the people already were believers in Christ, so I asked them if there was anything that I could pray with them about. They said “Yes” and asked us to wait. The interpreter and I sat down in their one room home and waited. Soon afterward they returned with a little girl who had been deaf since birth and could not speak.

I did not know much about healing back then, but I laid my hands on her anyway, and I rebuked a spirit of deafness and commanded her ears to be opened, and immediately she could hear, and speak. Her first word was, “Hallelujah!”

I share this testimony because sometimes we think we can’t minister healing to someone because we do not know enough about healing. But here is a powerful secret. If we know Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior, then we have what it takes to minister to the sick. His name is Jehova-rapha, the Lord who heals us, (see Exod. 15:26). And in 1 John 4:17, we are encouraged with a life-changing truth about our identity, “as He is, so are we in this world.” And as His ambassadors, (see 2 Cor. 5:20) we are commissioned to go and evangelize the world with power, and if we believe we will lay hands on the sick and they will recover, (see Mark 16:15-18). Go ahead, take a bold step of faith and minister healing to those around you. You’ve got what it takes!


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© 2010 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

A Time of Grace

This Word from the Lord was given to me on October 5, 2010 for the body of Christ and is included in my recent book, “Greater Than Magic” on pages 165 – 167.

“You are entering into a time of grace that you have not known before. My grace will be very strong upon you.

“The earth is shaking, it is quaking, it has been deeply moaning the evil that fills this place, but My children will increase in the power of My grace. My grace is all-sufficient for the challenges My children face. The end is near. It is nearer than you realize. Embrace the strength of My grace.

“Things will not be like before; they will be different in every form. But My victories will be greater than you’ve experienced before.

“The political arena is very unstable and soon to collapse. Many will fear, but know that I am drawing near.

“The economy as the world knows is crumbling from beneath them. Many will take their lives for fear of failure. That is a life controlled by the spirit of mammon.

“Wickedness is becoming wickeder than you have seen before. Right will become wrong and wrong will become right in the eyes of the unregenerated soul. It will be worse than in the days of Noah. Perversion will be worse than it has ever been. What was once inconceivable to the average person will become acceptable and normal. My word prophesies these things; they cannot be stopped.

“But in the midst of great filth is a safe haven for My beloved Bride. In My presence she will find refreshing for her weary soul. Deep in My presence she will hide and ride in safety in the midst of a terrible and frightful storm. Even though the waves of this storm will crush and destroy, My Bride will outride the storm,

“Understanding of My Word will continue to increase; things will become clearer and clearer as the time draws nearer.

“My Bride needs to press into My Holy presence. She needs to be cloaked in My grace. She will need to pick up her pace in order to complete her race as she will soon look upon My face and she will be dressed in a bride’s fine, white lace.

“The tables are set. Everything is in its place. The white linens are laid and the banquet feast has been prepared. Invite everyone who will come to join us for the finest banquet that has ever been served. The bread and the wine have already been given. There are still yet invitations that have no reply; many have not been sent yet. Invite the people to come and feast with Me.

“Time as you know it will change. The clock is winding down on this phase of time. And the new millennium is being ushered in. Eternity as you speak of is at hand.

“Grace is the word for this hour, and its power you will receive as you gaze upon My face. An occasional glance will not receive; it’s the fixed position that sets its release.

“Bitter is the wine of religion, but sweet to the taste is the wine of My fellowship. I came to restore the sweet flavor of My wine. Now it’s time to take and taste My wine and dine with Me and My Father. My Spirit is calling; the invitation is in the wind. And this wind is blowing to all corners of the earth, refreshing those who will take My cup and sip of the eternal sweetness of My wine.”


Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.

© 2015 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

Praying Mysteries

Many years ago, while washing the breakfast dishes I was praying in tongues. I’m not sure how long I had been praying in the Spirit, I only know that I found myself leaning against the kitchen wall and I heard myself say aloud to the Lord, “An orphanage?”

Oftentimes, when we speak in tongues we pray into existence things that are hidden from our natural understanding.  As it says in 1 Corinthians 14:2, “For he who speaks in a tongue does not speak to men but to God, for no one understands him; however, in the spirit he speaks mysteries.” This word mysteries (Strong’s G3466 – mystērion) means hidden thing, secret or mystery. 

In regards to the opening testimony, the Spirit of God was revealing His plans for my husband and I that neither of us knew about.  He was about to send us to Guatemala as full-time missionaries, and one of His assignments for us was to start an orphanage.

I fully believe that the Lord desires us to know His plans and purposes for us, and speaking in tongues reveals His will to us and prays them into existence.

Also, as we surrender our human tongues to the Holy Spirit He discloses secrets that are necessary to know in order to minister to people effectively.

Case in point, I was ministering to a couple in another country. The woman was a follower of Jesus Christ and was believing for a miracle for her husband who had lost his mind. And no one could figure out why.

As I began to speak in my heavenly language, the Holy Spirit gave me the following vision and exposed the strong hold. I saw a row of empty clothes hangers hanging from a poll. I then saw a communist ring on his finger. I told them what I saw and asked if it witnessed with them. It did.

They were unequally yoked, she was a believer in Christ, and actively involved in the things of the Lord, and he was a communist. But when their situation was discovered they lost their dry cleaning business. And the financial pressure was more than he could bear and he lost his mind.

In the natural I had no way of knowing about this situation, but by this supernatural gift of communication (tongues) with the Holy Spirit the secret stronghold was exposed, and the steps to his healing were known; he was to renounce communism and give his life to Christ.

The gift of tongues is so powerful, and it’s an entrance that leads to the other gifts of the Holy Spirit. I pray you receive this gift today.


Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.

© 2015 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

3 Reasons Why Christians Have Authority over Sickness and Disease

I receive many questions from people concerning healing. One frequent question is, “Do Christians really have authority over sickness and disease?” According to the Bible the answer is yes. But I want to teach you why we have authority over all sickness and disease.

To begin with, sickness and disease are made up of tiny living organisms called bacterias and viruses. Let’s take a closer look at these.

The American Lung Association says that “Bacteria and viruses are living organisms that cause diseases”. 1

What is the definition of an organism?  “An individual form of life, such as a plant, animal, bacterium, protist, or fungus; a body made up of organs, organelles, or other parts that work together to carry on the various processes of life.”2

Once, I asked the Lord for a simple explanation as to why we have authority over all sickness and disease. And He answered me with the following vision and Scripture.

I saw myself looking into a microscope, and on the plate of glass being examined were sickness and disease. The Lord asked me to tell Him what I saw. I told Him that I saw them moving. He explained to me that is because sickness and disease are made up of microscopic living organisms that move, and get inside the body and make people sick.

He then gave me the following verse from Genesis 1:28, ““Then God blessed them, and God said to them, “Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth.”

According to this verse we have been given dominion over everything that lives and moves on this earth, including sickness and disease. To dominate means to control, govern, or rule by superior authority or power. 3 He has given us dominion over these tiny microscopic organisms.

What about bacteria? “Bacteria are organisms made up of just one cell. They are capable of multiplying by themselves, as they have the power to divide. Their shapes vary, and doctors use these characteristics to separate them into groups.

Bacteria exist everywhere, inside and on our bodies. Most of them are completely harmless and some of them are very useful. But some can cause disease, either because they end up in the wrong place in the body or simply because they are ‘designed’ to invade us.”4

Ponder upon this phrase concerning harmful bacteria for a while, “designed to invade us”.  Spiritually speaking this sounds like a weapon of warfare. What does God’s Word say about weapons that are formed to harm us? It says, “No weapon formed against us shall prosper.” (See Isaiah 54:17.) Our Lord promises us that these weapon formed against us, including harmful bacteria shall not prosper.

What about a virus?

A virus is “an ultramicroscopic (20 to 300 nm in diameter), metabolically inert, infectious agent that replicates only within the cells of living hosts, mainly bacteria, plants, and animals: composed of an RNA or DNA core, a protein coat, and, in more complex types, a surrounding envelope.”5

Did you notice in the definition that a virus is called an infectious agent? Again, this is something to cause us harm. And according to James 1:17 God does not give us things that will harm us. It says, “Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning.”  Jesus makes it clear in John 10:10 just who these things come from. “The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.”  The thief is satan and he uses his weapons of sickness and disease to harm us. God does not give us infectious agents.

Science teaches us that there are different types of infectious agents. Infectious agents come in many shapes and sizes. Bacteria and protozoa are microscopic one-celled organisms, while viruses are even smaller. Fungi grow like plants and helminths resemble worms.6

What hope does the Lord give us concerning these infectious agents? He says in Luke 10:19 “Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”


3 Biblical reasons why Christians have authority over all sickness and disease:

  1. He gives us dominion over all living things on this earth, including microscopic organisms that can make us sick.
  2. God promises us that weapons formed against us, including harmful bacteria designed to invade us shall not prosper.
  3. Jesus Christ gives to us all authority over satan and his wicked works, including infectious agents called viruses.


Foot Notes



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© 2015 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

Biblical Ways to Overcome Addiction

So many Christians are in bondage to addictive behaviors, they want to be free, but don’t know how. One such young woman came forward for ministry at a healing conference in Kentucky. Her addiction was cigarettes and it had control over her. But she wanted deliverance and freedom. I laid hands upon her and renounced the spirit of addiction in her, and declared that from now on when she would try to smoke a cigarette she would start to vomit. And she put it to the test. As soon as the service was over she ran outside and took a puff of a cigarette and her body immediately started to vomit on the Church steps. Her body now rejected what it once craved. But along with physical deliverance, her soul, mind and emotions, needed to be healed and renewed to remain free from the addiction.

You may be like this woman with an addiction to some type of sinful behavior and need deliverance and renewal of your mind.  So, here is a plan of action from the Scriptures to help you overcome any and all addictive behaviors.

  1. Before you can overcome an addiction you first have to admit that you have a problem and that it is a sin. James 5:16, instructs us to, “Confess your sins to one another, and pray for one another so that you may be healed. The effective prayer of a righteous man can accomplish much.” (NASB)
  2. Make a quality decision that you will do whatever is necessary to be free from this ungodly behavior. There is a plan to freedom in James 4:7, “Therefore submit to God. Resist the devil and he will flee from you.” (NKJV)

How do you submit to God and resist the devil?

  • Ask God for forgiveness. “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”  1 John 1:9
  • Read the Bible and cleanse yourself spiritually.  “That He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word.” Ephesians 5:26
  • Listen to faith building messages. “So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God.” Romans 10:17
  • Fast and pray for deliverance. “So He said to them, “This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting.”” Mark 9:29
  • Pray in the Spirit to encourage yourself. “But you, beloved, building yourselves up on your most holy faith, praying in the Holy Spirit.” Jude 1:20
  • Take control of your thoughts. “… Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.” 2 Corinthians 10:5
  • Confess out loud the promises of God over yourself. “Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Proverbs 18:21
  • Keep your joy level strong. “Do not sorrow, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.”” Nehemiah 8:10
  • Be full of the Holy Spirit. “And do not be drunk with wine, in which is dissipation; but be filled with the Spirit,  speaking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord,  giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ.” Ephesians 5:18-20
  • Don’t take on stress or worry. “Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God.” Philippians 4:6
  • Be accountable and surround yourself with supportive people. “Do not be deceived: “Evil company corrupts good habits.”” 1 Corinthians 15:33


A spirit of addition is out to control and destroy you. And to be free you have to make a quality decision that you will do whatever it takes to be delivered from its destructive power. If you will do these things on a daily basis, eventually you will break free from sinful and addictive behaviors. The enemy will flee from you, and the freedom you so desire will be yours.


Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.

© 2015 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

Walk in His Authority

One of the weapons of our spiritual warfare that God gives to us is His authority. But how can we walk in this authority if we do not know that He gives it to us? Jesus tells us in Luke 10:19, Behold, I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.And in Isaiah 54:17 we read, “No weapon formed against you shall prosper.” Why? Because He gives to us all spiritual rights to walk in His authority on this earth over satan and all of his wickedness, including sickness and disease.

But just like all of His promises we have a part to play. We have to put our faith into action, and as it says in Ephesians 6:14 in the Amplified Version of the Bible, “And having shod your feet in preparation [to face the enemy with the firm-footed stability, the promptness, and the readiness produced by the good news] of the Gospel of peace.” We have to put on our spiritual shoes and be ready in season and out-of-season. And we do this when we read, study, and do what God’s Word says to do.

  • He teaches us to speak to the mountains in our lives in Mark 11:23, For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.” Perhaps, your mountain is sickness, He says to speak to it with authority and tell it to leave and it will.
  • And He uses the testimony of Abraham in Romans 4:17 to admonish us to use our authority and speak to the circumstances that confront us so that they will change, “(as it is written, “I have made you a father of many nations”) in the presence of Him whom he believed—God, who gives life to the dead and calls those things which do not exist as though they did;”
  • He instructs us to activate our authority and put our faith into action and do what we were not able to do before, like He did with the man with the withered hand in Luke 6:10. “And when He had looked around at them all, He said to the man, “Stretch out your hand.” And he did so, and his hand was restored as whole as the other.”

Again, we realize as we study His Word, that it is our choice to activate His spiritual weapon, such as His authority and walk in it.


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© 2015 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

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