Victoria from KY writes to testify and says, “I really did not understand healing until I was healed from being in a wheelchair for 6 years. I just believed with all my heart that I was healed and that was in 2012. And I am still out of the wheelchair! My faith has brought me […]
Healing Ministry Vs’ Faith
Question: Becky, can you tell in your own life where the line falls between the two things–walking in faith and your specific calling of the gift of healing? Answer: According to 1 Cor 12 there is a grace gift called “Gifts of Healings” where an individual is called into a healing ministry and gifted as […]

As I am praying and fasting I have a great sense of expectancy within my spirit. A wave of healing is about to hit the Western World like never before. No longer will people say, “Why doesn’t divine healing manifest in the United States and other parts of the Western World?” A wave of divine […]