Many Christians today walk this earth without the revelation of who they are in Christ. The adversary, the devil, breaks into the depths of their souls and commits a serious crime: spiritual identity theft. Without the truth about their spiritual identity, they become poor in spirit, powerless to the wiles of the enemy and subject to a suppressed lifestyle because without their proper identity they are unable to activate their God-given authority.
A ploy of the enemy is to project an inferior image of Christians to the world. He portrays us as bumbling, idiotic fools who are spineless in our convictions. But let us not believe this lie, we are Christians, meaning we are Christlike.
Because we do not understand who we are, we also do not value what we have. This is part of the enemy’s plan of deception, to misconstrue our identity and, therefore, the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit is never enforced. As a result, we live like paupers in the kingdom of God. We render the blood of Jesus, our sacrificial lamb, powerless and dishonor the name of the King of kings.
When we say to others that we are Christians, we are not talking about a religious status but our identification with Jesus Christ. It is a confession that we have made a choice to follow after His ways.
Because the darkness of our sin was exposed and overtaken by His light, we no longer carry the heavy chains of bondage to sin, nor do we bear the consequences of sin. The image of the sinner upon us has been erased. No more does He call us sinners, but the redeemed. (See Colossians 1:13, Ephesians 1:17, and Isaiah 62:12.)
As ambassadors of Jesus Christ, we have been given His image, His authority, His rich robes of righteousness, a crown of glory and His power to rule as a royal priesthood. (See 2 Corinthians 5:20, Genesis 1:26-28, Luke 10:19, Zechariah 3:4, Psalm 8:5, and 1Peter 2:9.)
We wear a clean turban and have the mind of Christ; our carnal minds have been exchanged for His and He gives freely to us the wisdom that we need for every situation. (See Zechariah 3:5, 1Corinthians 2:16, and James 1:5.)
We have access to unlimited supernatural resources to meet all our needs; in Him there is no lack. (See Philippians 4;19 and Psalm 34:9.)
No matter what the situation may look like, we are not defeated, but we are more than conquerors. (See Romans 8:37.)
Regardless of the image that satan has falsely projected to the world concerning us, we will not be bamboozled with this wrong imagery. We are not inept, unwise or spiritless people, but we are clothed with Christ, and we are not ashamed to be called Christians!
Dear Father God,
I come to Your throne of grace, and I ask for Your forgiveness for walking in lies concerning my identity in Christ. I repent of weak faith in this area. Teach me, Holy Spirit, who I really am in Christ and help me to walk boldly in the power of Your might throughout this whole earth.
In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.
To learn more about who you are in Christ, and about the supernatural power of your faith enroll in my current online healing course, “Greater Than Magic”.
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© 2023 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.