My idea literally went to the dogs! During my ministry travels amongst the poor I had made a decision that years later would go to the dogs.
I have purchased thousands of Bibles and have given them away to needy people who couldn’t afford to purchase a copy for themselves.
Seeing the gratitude they had to receive just one copy of God’s Word, I decided that I would keep the Bible that I had for the rest of my life.
This Bible has traveled the World with me. It has accompanied me to some of the World’s largest cities, and then to some of the most remote places on the earth. What a wonderful travel companion it has been to me.
This Bible has survived thousands of miles of travel on rough terrain, airport checks, dirt, dust, spills, and even the hands of little children.
It has been a powerful guide for the past 20 years that would alter my world views on life. I know exactly where to find a favorite Scripture within a few seconds. It’s margins are filled with personal handwritten notes that I jotted down, and it also has important scribbles that a few of my children made when they were just toddlers.
During a recent visit to my parents home, their new puppy curiously checked out my things and got a hold of my Bible and chewed up many of its precious pages. Apologetically, my mom presented me my Bible. My immediate thoughts went to my decision I had made years before that this would be the only Bible I would own. I looked down at the puppy sheepishly wagging it’s tail and thought, “Now that idea went to the dogs!”
And as I meditate on this incident, I’ve come to the conclusion that some of my ideas about God should have gone to the dogs, because they were not correct. Beliefs that did not match up to the Word, especially my early beliefs as a young Christian in the area of God’s character, and the ways of the Holy Spirit, and all that He provides for us, especially healing and miracles.
Since then I have a new Bible that I read and enjoy very much. It is a different version that I have been reading from for so many years, and so it causes me to look at certain verses with a new light. And my prayer for you, the reader of these posts, is that I can guide you through the healing Scriptures and shed the light of His revelation that He wills to heal you of all things, all the time.
And in regards to my new Bible, it too will accompany me around the World, and I am sure that its contents will cause many of my crazy ideas to go to the dogs as well. But when it comes to healing, my faith only continues to strengthen as I study God’s word about it.
“Study and do your best to present yourself to God approved, a workman [tested by trial] who has no reason to be ashamed, accurately handling and skillfully teaching the word of truth.” 2 Tim. 2:15.
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© 2012 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.