They Need a Will to Live

People on their deathbeds need to possess the will to live. If they lack this basic element, there is not much you can do for them in the physical. In this case, love them and make sure they are right with the Lord concerning their salvation.

But just because they say in the beginning of the battle that they don’t want to fight; doesn’t mean you give up. Oftentimes, people are in need of some heavy doses of encouragement. They need a reason to fight, a goal they can achieve, and a reason to believe they can conquer the spirit of death. And this is where you come in and speak the truth to them in love. Shine the light of Jesus into their hearts of despair.

If you are dealing with a young child, children tend to be very trusting and open to the healing power of Jesus, but you need to remember they are under the authority of their parents. It’s the parents you need to reach with the message of faith.

What do we do if the recipient of all of our faith efforts suddenly gives up? This is a very common scenario. People are under a lot of stress, emotions are running high, the recipient is very ill and oftentimes is unable to cope with outside concerns and unresolved issues that are coming to the forefront. I find people are just not themselves, and it causes extra hurt and pain in an already painful circumstance.

Another common problem that occurs is that recipients of prayer feel like they are a burden to the family and feel uncomfortable, even guilty about it. Medical expenditures are adding up and they are concerned about how the family will cope with it all. Oftentimes, the recipient is in so much pain from the illness that their faith is worn down and they lose the will to live.

So, what do we do? I believe the best thing we can do is pour on the love and let them know that our love is unconditional. We are committed to one another in the good times as well as the bad times. And we are going to rally together and overcome this deadly disease once and for all.

I am a firm believer in life, and that we never give up on God, ourselves, or on each other. God says that we are to choose life, (See Deut. 30:19.). People on their deathbeds need a will to live.


Click to Enroll in My Current Online Healing Course: Greater than Magic Online Healing Course – Author Becky Dvorak

Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.

© 2023 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

Reminder of God’s Thoughts About You

In a negative world that shouts out condemnation, shame, and vial word curses at us, I felt in my spirit it would do us good to do as He instructs us to do in Philippians 4:8, “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.” Doing what He instructs us to do will help us through many trials and struggles. So, let’s take a few moments and remind ourselves of the precious thoughts that He actually thinks about you and me. Here are seven of them to ponder upon this week.

Psalm 139: 17-18 (NKJV) tells us that you are precious to God.  “How precious also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How great is the sum of them!  If I should count them, they would be more in number than the sand; When I awake, I am still with You.”

Read from John 3:16 (AMP) about how great His love is for you. “For God so [greatly] loved and dearly prized the world, that He [even] gave His [One and] only begotten Son, so that whoever believes and trusts in Him [as Savior] shall not perish, but have eternal life.

Read for yourself God’s peaceful thoughts about you and your future in Jeremiah 29:11 (AMP), “For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”

You can read in 1 Peter 2:9 (NIV) about how special you are to Him. “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, God’s special possession, that you may declare the praises of him who called you out of darkness into his wonderful light.”

Romans 5:8 (NLT) demonstrates His best intentions for us by sending us His greatest gift of love. “But God showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us while we were still sinners.”

Apostle John so beautifully describes God’s desire for you in John 15:16 (NKJV).”You did not choose Me, but I chose you and appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you.”

And you can take His word in Philippians 4:13, (NKJV) and be encouraged today that “ I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.”


Take one of these Scriptures each day this week and allow Holy Spirit to minister to you His deep thoughts concerning you. God bless you.


Click to Enroll in My Current Online Healing Course: Greater than Magic Online Healing Course – Author Becky Dvorak

Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.

© 2023 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved

The Forbidden Must be Taught

The Bible is very clear that, “All your children shall be taught by the Lord, and great shall be the peace of your children.” Is. 54:13, (NKJV) And we can agree that the younger generation today is suffering in every area of life. We have a job to do, and we need to do it quickly, and teach the children about the Lord and His ways. I am including a list of five topics and mention a sixth topic that are forbidden in countries controlled by an antichrist government.

We must be willing to teach the forbidden, and do what we are commanded to do, “Go into all the world and preach and publish openly the Good News (to every creature [of the whole human race].”Mark 16:15, AMP.

Listen, learn how, and be encouraged that even though the hour is late we can do this, and save as many lives as we can for the glory of the Lord.

Click to Watch. 


Click to Order Your Sets for the Children in Your Life. It’s tough to be a kid in today’s negative world. And the children need our support. Let’s begin with a gentle reminder from God’s Word that they are loved, valuable, and not alone.
31 Bright, Encouraging Scripture Cards for Children.
2.5″ x 2.5″, double-sided cards on quality laminated cardstock.


Click to Enroll in My Next Online Healing Course: Greater than Magic Online Healing Course – Author Becky Dvorak

Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.

© 2023 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved

Even Demons Believe, so Is It Enough to Believe?

I am asking you today, “Even demons believe, so is it enough to believe?” I have tackled this question before, and the response was sort of mixed. Some tapped into the heart of the message, while others took offense by the question. Where do you stand? And why?

James, the earthly brother of Jesus Christ, and a major leader in the Church of Jerusalem writes to us in His book in James 2:19 from the New Living Translation this thought-provoking statement. “You say you have faith, for you believe that there is one God. Good for you! Even the demons believe this, and they tremble in terror.”

And may I stir up your thoughts to consider the following, these demons before they fell with lucifer were created as angels, Godly and good in nature. They were in the presence of God, and yet, they joined in a rebellion to try to overthrow God. They didn’t have to go through the process of believing then seeing the miraculous for they were created seeing and believing God and His marvelous ways. So, I ask you again, “Is it enough to believe?” Or is it possible that there was and is something faulty with their beliefs? The obvious answer to this latter question is a great big, “YES!”.

Let’s allow ourselves to delve into this even farther and dig up truth. They saw with their own eyes, the Living God, and they personally witnessed time and time again, the miraculous power of God’s creation. And yet, they were blind to His glory, His holiness, His utter righteousness. They took His supremacy for granted, they trampled upon His authority, thinking that their ways were higher than His ways. They bowed and pledged allegiance to the father of all lies, the devil himself. They forsook His goodness, His boundaries, and His love. And because of their poor decisions they missed out, and followed the voice of deception, even though they believed there was a God, and could testify (if they wanted to) of His loving awesomeness to all. And there are consequences to their wrongful behavior–eternal damnation.

Oh, Father God,

May I not be amongst the deceived in these latter days. But may I go beyond the realm of just believing and take it a step farther into the realm of acting upon that belief, and actually live out Your Word, and Your ways for Your glory in my life today, tomorrow, and until the time of stepping into my eternal destiny.

Holy Spirit, I reverence Your counsel. And I surrender to Your guiding ways through the tribulation and turmoil of these latter days. Help me to be on the alert against a spirit of deception, and the pitfalls of this world, and its ungodly ways.

Jesus, not only do I believe in You, I desire a deep relationship with You, and to live according to Your Word. In Your precious name, I pray, amen.

Click to Enroll in My Next Online Healing Course: Greater than Magic Online Healing Course – Author Becky Dvorak

Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.

© 2023 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved

Enter the Miracle Zone (Prophetic Word)

As I lay my head upon my pillow tonight, I begin to pray creative miracles to be released into the body of someone in need. As I release words of faith, I hear in the spirit realm a siren sounding loud and clear, and I hear the Spirit of the Lord say, “Enter into the Miracle Zone.” And this is what the Spirit of the Living God would say to you this day.

“Enter into the Miracle Zone, that place where My Spirit resides, and miracles abound. Faith is the entrance fee, it’s what you need to set the captives free. The speech resounds with words of life, health and healing. And it calls things into being as though they already were. There is no fear of death and failure here, just peace and safety. And its inhabitants are bold and uncompromising. They know what they need, and they know how to get it. They work with their tools of faith; the power of the spoken word, and faith in action.

With a spiritual sledgehammer they break up the fallow ground, and they begin to construct that miracle. With their boots tightly fastened they walk away from confusion, and into My peace, and with their steel reinforced toes they begin to walk in the authority that I gave to them. And they are careful not to fall into the uncovered manholes around them and into the sewage of this world. They walk in the wisdom of My Word, and hold up their shield of faith, for they are fully aware of the attacks of the enemy. But they are fearless, for they know that they do not walk alone, for I am with them even to the end of the earth.

They wear their hardhats, and with the mind of Christ they live out the Word of God. They begin to think and meditate upon My healing Scriptures. They take hold of their thoughts and cast away all doubt and unbelief. They are not double-minded but are rest assured in the promises of My Word.

They tighten the belt of truth around their waist and protect themselves from the unhealthy exposure to the world and its faithless ways. They embrace My truth, hold on tight, and not allow it to slip away from them. For they know, it is My truth that gives them life, and they cling to the very breath of each word that I speak.

They are clothed in My righteous apparel, and they know that the power of My blood is all that they have need of to overcome this attack against their health and well-being. And they are fully confident in My power to deliver them from this valley of the shadow of death, and into the light of My resurrection power.

My Spirit is calling out to you to enter into the Miracle Zone, that place where My Spirit resides, and miracles abound.”


Click to Enroll in My Next Online Healing Course: Greater than Magic Online Healing Course – Author Becky Dvorak

Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.

© 2023 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved

Watch: The Power of a Fighting Spirit

You feel tired, worn down, and you want to give up the fight of faith. But should you? Is it possible that your miracle is close at hand? I believe it is, and there is power in a fighting spirit that does not give up. And it’s those that continue on no matter what that medical report says, or human reasoning declares, or the five senses shout back at us. I encourage you today, not to give up, not to give in, but to fight the enemy, and win this battle. And I know you can obtain your miracle with the power of a fighting spirit that’s birthed in faith in the redemptive blood of Christ.

Click here to watch and learn more. 


Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.

© 2023 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved

Life Tender Mercy Home — Guatemala Newsletter (July 2023)

I have been working to rescue and to help orphaned children for over 30 years now, and I will continue to do so. My husband, David and I were called by God to establish a children’s home in Guatemala. And I will tell you the truth, that many in the Church frowned upon those of us that worked with God’s kids. For some reason, fellow ministers had the idea that if you rescued and raised these children you were not a legitimate ministry, perhaps a glorified babysitting service to be admired at best. And then there were the trolls, that used our work for their gain. Nevertheless, I knew in my heart that both camps were wrong. Why? Because I know the love of the Father for His hurting children across the world.

I witnessed firsthand the corruption of the government, and governing agencies around the world that say they are fighting for the rights and welfare of the children but were only in this for their own selfish gain, and the children suffered because of their rulings.

I was the one that God gave the eagle eye (spiritual discernment) to spot and fight off the predators. And believe me they come in all shapes and sizes, both male and female, young and old. But then again, this is the heart of a true mother to protect their children.

I never worked so hard physically as I did for 25 years in the children’s home, especially in the beginning years when we were first building the homes, with no running water, and poor electricity, 17 children (12 boys fresh off the streets (7 were bedwetters from all the abuse), and then 5 babies). And then the next assignment was 14 babies and toddlers. Life was physically hard, but it was rewarding at the same time. It was here that the Lord taught me how to heal the sick, raise the dead, and deliver the oppressed and the possessed. And from this place the healing ministry went worldwide.

And now 30 years later we found a faithful, gifted, God-fearing director of the children’s home to take our place—our son, Joaquin, his wife Rose with their beautiful children. :O)

I will be honest with you that my heart has been broken more times than I care to remember by the betrayal and slander of God’s people. But if anything was gained by all of this was that it pushed me to my knees up on the rooftop of our home on the campus where I spent night after night in deep intercession for all the children and workers in the home. And I know this is where all the miraculous events that took place during those 25 years of the hardest work I have ever done were conceived. And for this, I can glorify God in all situations.

I witnessed teams of people and individuals that came down to the children’s home to help. And I can honestly say that I have met some real gems in God’s kingdom, that are lifetime friends. Godly individuals that I can turn to for help when the children’s home has a need. And they are my forever friends.

I will be heading down to Guatemala from October 24th – 30th, 2023 where I will be making my yearly trip to deliver the Christmas gifts for the children and the workers, school supplies for the new school year that runs from January through October, purchasing emergency food, and daily supplies for the children, having daily activities, and making special meals and dining with them during the evenings (sometimes mornings), taking them out shopping for new shoes and clothes at the local market (where the kids pick out their own shoes and outfit of their choice), ordering pizza, and going out for ice cream in the nearby town. And in the midst of all of this, I will be ministering at a Church or two, and as always planning a special night of ministry for all the children (inviting the music team of the local Church to come out and lead us in a time of worship) where I teach the kids to raise their hands, bow down on their knees as we cry out to God together to heal their broken hearts from the past. It’s always a blessed week. It’s sort of like living out a year’s worth of activities that I would normally do with them, but in a week’s time.

And to my delight, God asked me this year to invite specific “forever friends” of mine to join me for this amazing week of ministry to the children in our children’s home. They are individuals that have helped me out time and time again over the years.

These are the needs of the children that I need your help to meet in the name of Jesus.

  • Funds for shoes, clothing, emergency food, and daily supplies.
  • Funds for new bedding supplies (mattresses, pillows, sheets, and blankets).
  • Funds for their schooling needs for the year 2024 (tuition [about $30 / student / month], schoolbooks, uniforms, bussing, and lunches).
  • And we need funds for a brand-new van for the children’s home. (About $40,000 US dollars). We are about 1/2 of the way there but need your help to raise the rest of the funds. As of today, they are without a van to take the children to school, appointments, Church, and outings. Would you kindly and generously give what you are able to give to meet this need?

Address for financial support:

Write checks out to Healing and Miracles International to meet the needs for the October Trip.

Healing and Miracles International

P.O. Box 11840

Glendale, AZ 85318-1840.

Or donate online at and CLICK on the DONATE button. This will open to our “Simple-Give” donation page.


I appreciate and need all financial support.


Thank you, and God bless you richly!

Becky Dvorak

Stay on Target, Hit the Mark, and Be Healed!

Stay on Target, Hit the Mark, and Be Healed

You are in a battle for your health and well-being, and for many of you for your very life. The enemy is causing you pain, and stress. You find it difficult to focus on Jesus, your healer but find your mind and emotions are locked in on the sickness, and all the distraction that comes with it. Today’s message is a word of encouragement to help you stay on target, hit the mark, and be healed in Jesus’ name.

Click here to watch, listen, and learn how to stay on target, hit the mark, and be healed. 


Click to purchase your pack of 31 Healing Scripture Cards. 

Click here for information to enroll in Becky’s 12-week online course, The Healing Creed.

Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.

© 2023 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved

Experience the Gentle Side of God and Find Peace

After reading the Word last Saturday evening, I heard the Lord speak forth a prophetic word as I was falling asleep. It’s a word for His people.

Humble yourself, bow before Me, and worship Me.

Rest inside My presence, and you will find perfect peace.

Not peace as the world gives, but true peace, that can only come from time spent with Me.

My Spirit woos you to come and abide under My shadow.

Nestle tightly under My wing. Experience the gentle side of your Almighty.

Sense and receive the comfort that you need and know that this place of gentle rest is not just an occasional place to visit, but a daily place to refresh.

Allow the power of my presence to replenish your soul, bring your mind and emotions to a place of gentle rest.

Be rest assured that I will never leave you, I will never harm you, and that I am always here for you.

I long to have you rest next to me, and I desire you to be filled with My peace and experience the gentleness of My Spirit.

Thus, sayeth the Lord Your God.



Click to purchase your pack of 31 Healing Scripture Cards. 

Click here for information to enroll in Becky’s 12-week online course, The Healing Creed.

Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.

© 2023 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved

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