Contagious and infectious faith, you can have it–and you should. But do you? Is your faith so contagious that those around you can’t help but become infected with your infectious faith? Let us take a few moments to think on this today. We are living in the last days, when light is clashing with darkness. […]
Join Becky Monday — December 7th on ISN Channel! Empowered for Healing and Miracles
Join me and watch my TV Show, “Empowered for Healing and Miracles” on ISN Channel premiering this Monday–December 7th, 2020 at 8:30 AM and 8:30 PM EST. See Details Below. This Monday –December 7th, 2020 Watch My TV Show, “Empowered for Healing and Miracles” on ISN Channel. ISN can be viewed on ISN website: […]
Your Level of Love Affects Your Healing
Your level of love affects your healing. Are you aware of this spiritual fact? Your enemy, satan is, and he will make sure to cause chaos and division around you to keep you from walking in love and partaking of it’s God-given power in your life. Check your love-level. Love is the greatest of all […]
People Need Healing Now
People need healing now! They are desperate for healing. Never underestimate the power of healing, whether it be your healing or the healing of another in these trying times. Healing points to the Messiah. It proves that the God you have been professing all these years is real. This is why the enemy fights so […]
4 Steps to True and Personal Fellowship With God
True and personal fellowship with God is so important for us to have today. It’s one thing to believe and receive Jesus Christ as our Savior. And yes, it’s the initial step to your salvation where we become a member of His family, a citizen of Heaven, and are called into His fellowship. But there […]
Use the Power of Encouragement to Help Combat this Coronavirus
There is great power in a word of encouragement. And this is why the enemy fights so hard to try and discredit an encouraging statement of faith. He is aware that we have been created in the mirror image of God, and have been given by God the power to create and destroy with our […]
Offer Hope for Healing from Coronavirus
Many people around us have received devastating reports of sickness and death. They feel frightened and hopeless. We have a life-changing message to offer to them. A message of hope and healing for those that are sick and dying. But sometimes we feel insecure to deliver this message. We fear that they might reject us […]
A Spirit of Fear Leads to a Spirit of Death
A spirit of fear leads to a spirit of death, like the young man in this testimony. A young man became very ill and was in a lot of pain. It was soon discovered that he had a cancerous tumor on his pancreas. He shared with me what happened to him when the doctors came […]
The Importance of Exercising Authority over Fearful Situations
I invite you to join me tomorrow, March 18th, Wednesday on Becky Dvorak Facebook Live at 11:30 AM EST. I will be continuing with my series on faith to overcome these chaotic times. Tomorrow I will be teaching the importance of exercising authority over fearful situations, such as this Coronavirus in these last days. Blessings, […]
Confession of Faith for Protection from Coronavirus
With all the media hype about the Coronavirus people are frightened. In fact, this has gone beyond the basic fear factor, and stepped into the realm of hysteria. But should we, God’s people, allow the enemy to terrorize us? Let’s talk briefly about our enemy. First, we will draw our attention to the basic definition […]