There is a joy that Christians can have that does not come from this world. It comes from the depths of our redemption. No matter what happens while on this earth, we possess this unspeakable joy and it wells from deep within. Knowing that in the end of all things we are going to be with our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ.
“In this you greatly rejoice, though now for a little while, if need be, you have been grieved by various trials, that the genuineness of your faith, being much more precious than gold that perishes, though it is tested by fire, may be found to praise, honor, and glory at the revelation of Jesus Christ, whom having not seen you love. Though now you do not see Him, yet believing, you rejoice with joy inexpressible and full of glory, receiving the end of your faith—the salvation of your souls” 1 Peter 1:6-9.
You may not understand what I am talking about. But I tell you the truth when I say it comes from knowing Him, not about Him, but having relationship, fellowship with Him. This joy has carried me through a mountain of sorrows and trials that you will never hear spoken from my lips. I take my deepest hurts straight to the Father in the name of Jesus. I work through earth’s pain in the realm of the Spirit. And it truly is He who makes me laugh.
Some people accuse me of laughing too much. I say, “You can never laugh too much.” This laughter is an expression of my faith working it’s way into the realm of joy for me. And actually I will go farther with this and say that this laughter is a vocabulary. And the Holy Spirit makes me laugh so hard that it hurts physically.
When the pressures of this life are too much to bear for me, I start to laugh. Way back yonder, when the laughter movement hit the Church, my husband and I were on the mission field. We didn’t have internet back then, and what was available was not efficient enough to rely on for communication. But it was back then when everyone was rolling in the isle in hysteria together with the Holy Spirit, that the Spirit was hovering over us as well and I found my joy, and strength again in the Holy Spirit.
It was a time of great change for us in the ministry, we were taking in boys off the streets to live with our family and it was not an easy task. It was spiritual warfare, one-on-one. But it was this unspeakable joy I had found deep in my relationship with the Holy Spirit that carried me through many trials and even greater sorrows. I will never take laughter for granted. And I will not cease to laugh with the Spirit of God.
It was through this spiritual weapon of laughter that the Holy Spirit dropped upon me and my son that chased a way a legion of demons that tried to over take our home via a boy from the streets. It was the most terrifying situation I have ever been in, and all I could do was pray in another spiritual gift that I speak often of, tongues. And while my son and I prayed with all of our might to step back into the natural realm and overtake this spirit of fear that was attacking us head on with a couple thousand demons, out of nowhere, actually out of the throne room of God came this supernatural gift of laughter that chased a legion of manifested demons from our midst.
This is the joy unspeakable that I mention here. It is not a feeling, but a spiritual force, a supernatural weapon that is developed in the refinery of the presence of our mighty God, Jehovah. And I pray you find His joy today. In fact, let’s pray about this now.
In the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, I intercede for all my readers that they will too find this joy that I speak about. That they will discover the powerful weapon they have been given to overcome the pain, stress and trials of this world. That they will be able to take the enemy head on and chase a way a legion or more of satan’s destructive monsters, and send the demon force running away for the fear of hearing the Lion of Judah roar with laughter through one of His servants.
Lord God, You have given us a joy that is unspeakable with human words. And it comes from the center of Your will for Your people. That we are more than conquerors in this world. That this earth cannot bind us to silence with their threats because deep from within us, from the depths of our being is a well-spring of Your joy that is available for us whenever we need it, whenever we want it.
Spirit of God, laugh through them. Allow them to experience Your joy, not occasionally but daily, in Jesus’ name, amen.
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© 2018 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.