I’m No Longer Eligible for Healing?

Question: “Becky, in your book, DARE to Believe, you talk about John 5:14, when Jesus says to sin no more, lest something worse come upon us.Does this mean if we sin after we are originally healed of a sickness, we are no longer eligible for healing?”

Answer: No, this does not mean that we are no longer eligible for healing. It does mean that we can reopen the door for the enemy to attack. But if we go to the Lord and ask for forgiveness then we are forgiven and free from the consequence of the sin, such as sickness and disease.


Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.

© 2013 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

The Responsibility Is In Our Hands

There comes a point when the responsibility is in our hands, as we find out in the story of Moses and the Israelites.  The Pharaoh and his army are  in hot pursuit of Moses and the sons of Israel. They find them camped in front of the sea. The people fill with fear as their enemy draws near. They begin to shout sarcastic remarks at Moses. But Moses, the mighty man of faith responds to the people. He says, “Do not fear! Stand by and see the salvation of the Lord which He will accomplish for you today; for the Egyptians whom you have seen today, you will never see them again forever. The Lord will fight for you while you keep silent.” (Exodus 14: 13-14).

His response sounds so right on, but the Lord teaches Moses and us that there comes a time when mere words are not enough. There must be action behind our words. And we are the ones responsible to take action. Listen to the Lord’s response to  Moses’ valiant statement of faith.

“Then the Lord said to Moses, “Why are you crying out to Me? Tell the sons of Israel to go forward. As for you, lift up your staff and stretch out your hand over the sea and divide it…” (Exodus 14: 15-16).

This is an intense moment for these people. In fact, it is a life and death situation for them, and the Lord says to Moses to stop crying and tell the people to move forward! And He doesn’t stop there. He tells Moses that he is to put his faith into action and divide the Red Sea.

All too often, we expect the Lord to do the supernatural for us. But as we study the Word we see that the Lord has a different plan. He provides everything we need to succeed. Then He expects us to be responsible and not just speak words of faith, but put action behind our faith-filled words and divide our own Red Seas, by the supernatural power of our faith in the redemptive work of Jesus. He places the responsibility into our hands.   –Author Becky Dvorak

A Word of Restitution

Last year, as I was being introduced to a governor and his vice governor I heard the Spirit of the Lord speak into my ear a word for them. It was, “Restitution”. They both held back tears as I spoke this word and the others that flowed with them. God heard their petitions, and wanted them to know that He was moving on their behalf.

Restitution is the act of restoring to the rightful owner something, such as property or rights that have been taken away, lost, or surrendered.

Our enemy, satan, the thief who comes to steal, to kill and to destroy is working overtime against the body of Christ. (See John 10:10a.) Many of you reading this have received great blows from him recently. But regardless of his wicked schemes against you, the Lord wants to give you the following word of encouragement.

“The battle belongs to Me. I will not leave thee, nor forsake thee. Those precious gems that have been stolen from thee, will be restored. The enemy will bow on bended knee in shame before Me and thee, and he will give back unharmed and undamaged promises, visions, ministries, properties and rights that I have given to thee.

I have released troops of warring angels on your behalf. The reinforcements have already arrived on the front line of these battles. Your hour of restitution is at hand, and  it is being delivered by My righteous right hand.

Now is not the time for you to lay down your weapons in defeat. No, now is the time to stand to your feet. Put your armor back on. Pick up your shield of faith, boldly raise it up as I did My Son at Calvary. His blood is your banner of victory. Lift up His banner with your voice, and boldly declare your victory before the throne of My grace.

Many of you will receive your restitution within 3 days of reading this word , just as My Son restored you back to Me. Others will see the process of restitution begin within 3 days. I have spoken, and I have promised. Come before Me on bended knee and proclaim your victory in Me.”

Thus says the Lord of Hosts.

Given to Author Becky Dvorak on 6/27/2013


Healed From A Wheelchair

12270540_1040718705960157_1319862085_nVictoria from KY writes to testify and says, “I really did not understand healing until I was healed from being in a wheelchair for 6 years. I just believed with all my heart that I was healed and that was in 2012. And I am still out of the wheelchair!

My faith has brought me through so much, and your faith will bring you too.  You’ve just got to Dare To Believe. Thank you Jesus!

I met healing evangelist Becky Dvorak, the author of Dare To Believe. She has helped me so much. I would advise everyone to read her book Dare To Believe. It will teach you about the power of healing and miracles that she has witnessed, how Jesus died so we could live, and how much He loves us. She teaches that healing is in our tongues, so we should not claim sickness, but give it to Jesus. He WILL take care of us. We need to say that we are healed in the name of Jesus. And most important pray in the Spirit cause the devil cannot understand when we pray this way.

The book Dare To Believe by Becky Dvorak will teach you this and a whole lot more.  So get your copy today, and learn all about healing “The True Power of Faith To Walk In Divine Healing And Miracles”.

God is still healing me today. I am healed in Jesus name because I DARE TO BELIEVE !!!” 6/25/13

Becky Dvorak is a prophetic healing minister and the Destiny Image author of DARE to Believe and Greater Than Magic and The Healing Creed. Visit her at authorbeckydvorak.com.

Deliverance Prayer From Austism

I received this letter from a woman whose son was diagnosed with autism. As you may know our adopted son, Andres was severely autistic. But we dared to believe in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ and he is no longer autistic. he is delivered and healed. Here is this mama’s letter. “My son Samuel is 3 years old and was recently diagnosed with autism. He has major behavioral problems, speech delayed and developmental delays. He won’t eat as much having trouble eating, feeding self and underweight. Please help us pray for healing for Samuel from all of this. “

My response:

I join my faith with your faith for Samuel for the deliverance from an autistic spirit in Jesus’ name.

I come against you foul wicked spirit that has attacked this little boy. You leave him at once. I speak and release the Spirit of the Lord over Samuel, and that a spirit of peace come over him. All aggressive, violent and destructive behaviors stop in the name of the Lord. All screaming, tantrums, head banging, pinching, biting, and spitting stop in Jesus’ name.

I speak to your spirit Samuel, I release the healing power of the Holy Spirit to flow through your brain, nervous system and your 5 senses. I declare that these things are healed and made whole.

Your brain is recreated by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ. Any and all seizures stop. They may not continue, they may not travel down familiar pathways that have been made in the brain. We erase those old familiar pathways, and no new pathways may be recreated in Jesus’ name.

I declare that your electrical system is recreated in Jesus’ name. Your internal wiring is rewired and made whole. Messages from the right and left brain can travel as they are meant to travel.

I speak to your brain stem to be recreated in Jesus’ name. Your speech, your motor skills are recreated by the redemptive work of Christ.

I renounce this negative report spoken over you. You are no longer autistic, but redeemed and made whole in Jesus’ name.

I speak to the eating disorders to be healed. I declare that no longer will textures, colors and smells bother you. Your senses are made whole, and your digestive system is recreated and digests perfectly normal. We dare to believe that you no longer have eating disorders, and can eat in a healthy manner and gain the proper amount of weight that is needed for your size and age.

No longer will you fear to look people in the eye, or be afraid of their touch. We take control over a spirit of fear, and we cast it far from you in Jesus’ name.

I speak to your equal liberum and to the inner ear to be healed and made whole. No longer will you need to spin or spin objects. Your world around you is made whole. You do not need to flap your hands, because your senses are healed. You do not need to be obsessed any longer, because you are free, and whom Jesus sets free is free indeed.

I come against generational curses that have been passed down from the generations. You are free because Jesus became the curse.

I join my faith with your mother’s faith and I believe that you are delivered from autism and free from the unusual behaviors that have attached themselves to you, and declare those things that are not as though they already are. You are healed and delivered in Jesus’ name.

If you would like to read the full story of Andres, see chapter 12 of DARE to Believe.

Tendinitis Healed

11919104_10153048250071860_336244556056025682_oMargie from Hendersonville, TN writes to testify of her physical healing. She says, “I had been to the ER that day, they said tendinitis. I couldn’t lift my arm (using my shoulder) as much as 3 inches in any direction. The doc gave me a strong anti-inflammatory, and muscle relaxers. I had both in me when I saw you.

You prayed, and I put my faith into action. If you remember, I worked and worked that arm for the rest of the service…and with the help of my other (good) hand, I was able to get the injured arm over my head.but I wasn’t able to do it without the assistance of the other arm. It just wouldn’t go on its own.

That was day 1. Day 2, Thursday, I took 1 of each pill, and noticed some improvement but the pills, at the recommended dosages of 3 muscles relaxers and 3 anti-inflammatories daily were too much for me so I moved to 1 of each daily, before bed, and that was it.

Each day thereafter I noticed steady improvements… and they were big improvements…not minor. It took from last Wednesday night to this Tuesday morning to be fully pain free and have my complete range of motion back. I even have all the strength back and am able to carry whatever I want on that side.

Thank you Jesus for my healing!!!”

Did you notice how Margie put her faith into action to obtain her miracle? It took trust in God’s healing power for her to come forward and to start working her shoulder the way she did. She then realized she needed to wean herself off of the anti-inflammatory meds she was taking. And when she did she saw that she was healed in Jesus’ name.


Becky Dvorak is a prophetic healing evangelist and the Destiny Image author of DARE to Believe, Greater Than Magic and, soon to be released, The Healing Creed. Visit her at authorbeckydvorak.com.


This is a Word from the Lord that I was given before one of last week’s DARE to Believe healing services.

The Lord would say to you;

I AM is for you.

I AM is never against you.

I desire to release My healing power to every race.

I need each of you to pick up your pace,

Because we are about to finish the race.

The earth is going to shake,

And I need you in your place.

You will see things you never dreamed of before.

Behold, I AM is knocking at your door.

Open it up and let Me in,

But don’t keep Me trapped inside.

Let My power out,

So that it can rain down on the lost.

I came to give them life, and life forevermore.

Given to Author Becky Dvorak on May 22, 2013 at the DARE to Believe healing service at River of Life Christian Center, Burbank, CA.

Is It Too Much To Ask For?

Question: Becky, my situation is complicated. I am elderly, my doctor says there isn’t anything he can do for me. And given the circumstances, I’m wondering if my healing is too much to ask for?

Answer: Ephesians 3:20-21 answers this question beautifully for us. It says, “Now to Him who is able to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us, to Him be glory in the church by Christ Jesus to all generations, forever and ever. Amen.”

Regardless, of how impossible the situation looks, the Lord is both able and willing to do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think. You are meditating upon the possibility of your body being healed. You are envisioning yourself living pain free and delivered from this wretched disease.

Dear sister, this is the Holy Spirit working in your heart, giving you hope for your future. And yes, our Lord is not only able to heal you, but He is willing to heal you too. I encourage you this day not to give up, but to fight the good fight of faith, and put all your trust in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ to heal you in spirit, soul and body. Allow His healing power to work a miracle within you that will testify to future generations of His great glory forever.

Let me end with this Scripture for you and your situation. Hebrews 4: 16  instructs us how to ask for this healing. “Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.”

Your healing is not too much to ask for.


Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.

© 2013 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

Healing Ministry Vs’ Faith

Question: Becky, can you tell in your own life where the line falls between the two things–walking in faith and your specific calling of the gift of healing?

Answer: According to 1 Cor 12 there is a grace gift called “Gifts of Healings” where an individual is called into a healing ministry and gifted as the Holy Spirit desires with specific gifts of healings. But the Lord doesn’t leave anyone out of the picture. He says in Mark 16:18 that if you believe you will lay hands on the sick and they will recover. Divine healing is for everyone, and all believers in Christ can activate their own faith in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ anytime they want and release healing into others and they will be healed if “someone” believes.

Stand in Proxy for Healing

Amazing Testimony: At the end of the DARE to Believe Healing Service last night at Fresh Bread in Burbank, CA we were praying for those that were standing in the gap for the healing of loved ones. One man asked if I would pray for his brother who had tried to commit suicide by jumping off a bridge. (Since then he has received Jesus, but years later has dealt with severe ankle pain from when they were broken.)  I felt led to anoint both ankles of the one standing in proxy for this man. Afterwards, I told him to put his faith in action, call his brother and tell him that we prayed for him for healing and to put his faith into action. WELL, the man responded on the phone and said that all day long his ankles were in severe pain, and just then his girlfriend offered to massage his ankles, but before she started all the pain just disappeared. It left as we commanded his ankles to be healed. How’s that for the healing power of the Holy Spirit in action? Learn how to DARE to Believe to stand in proxy for the healing of those you care about.

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