I received this letter from a woman whose son was diagnosed with autism. As you may know our adopted son, Andres was severely autistic. But we dared to believe in the redemptive work of Jesus Christ and he is no longer autistic. he is delivered and healed. Here is this mama’s letter. “My son Samuel is 3 years old and was recently diagnosed with autism. He has major behavioral problems, speech delayed and developmental delays. He won’t eat as much having trouble eating, feeding self and underweight. Please help us pray for healing for Samuel from all of this. “
My response:
I join my faith with your faith for Samuel for the deliverance from an autistic spirit in Jesus’ name.
I come against you foul wicked spirit that has attacked this little boy. You leave him at once. I speak and release the Spirit of the Lord over Samuel, and that a spirit of peace come over him. All aggressive, violent and destructive behaviors stop in the name of the Lord. All screaming, tantrums, head banging, pinching, biting, and spitting stop in Jesus’ name.
I speak to your spirit Samuel, I release the healing power of the Holy Spirit to flow through your brain, nervous system and your 5 senses. I declare that these things are healed and made whole.
Your brain is recreated by the power of the blood of Jesus Christ. Any and all seizures stop. They may not continue, they may not travel down familiar pathways that have been made in the brain. We erase those old familiar pathways, and no new pathways may be recreated in Jesus’ name.
I declare that your electrical system is recreated in Jesus’ name. Your internal wiring is rewired and made whole. Messages from the right and left brain can travel as they are meant to travel.
I speak to your brain stem to be recreated in Jesus’ name. Your speech, your motor skills are recreated by the redemptive work of Christ.
I renounce this negative report spoken over you. You are no longer autistic, but redeemed and made whole in Jesus’ name.
I speak to the eating disorders to be healed. I declare that no longer will textures, colors and smells bother you. Your senses are made whole, and your digestive system is recreated and digests perfectly normal. We dare to believe that you no longer have eating disorders, and can eat in a healthy manner and gain the proper amount of weight that is needed for your size and age.
No longer will you fear to look people in the eye, or be afraid of their touch. We take control over a spirit of fear, and we cast it far from you in Jesus’ name.
I speak to your equal liberum and to the inner ear to be healed and made whole. No longer will you need to spin or spin objects. Your world around you is made whole. You do not need to flap your hands, because your senses are healed. You do not need to be obsessed any longer, because you are free, and whom Jesus sets free is free indeed.
I come against generational curses that have been passed down from the generations. You are free because Jesus became the curse.
I join my faith with your mother’s faith and I believe that you are delivered from autism and free from the unusual behaviors that have attached themselves to you, and declare those things that are not as though they already are. You are healed and delivered in Jesus’ name.
If you would like to read the full story of Andres, see chapter 12 of DARE to Believe.