Last year, as I was being introduced to a governor and his vice governor I heard the Spirit of the Lord speak into my ear a word for them. It was, “Restitution”. They both held back tears as I spoke this word and the others that flowed with them. God heard their petitions, and wanted them to know that He was moving on their behalf.
Restitution is the act of restoring to the rightful owner something, such as property or rights that have been taken away, lost, or surrendered.
Our enemy, satan, the thief who comes to steal, to kill and to destroy is working overtime against the body of Christ. (See John 10:10a.) Many of you reading this have received great blows from him recently. But regardless of his wicked schemes against you, the Lord wants to give you the following word of encouragement.
“The battle belongs to Me. I will not leave thee, nor forsake thee. Those precious gems that have been stolen from thee, will be restored. The enemy will bow on bended knee in shame before Me and thee, and he will give back unharmed and undamaged promises, visions, ministries, properties and rights that I have given to thee.
I have released troops of warring angels on your behalf. The reinforcements have already arrived on the front line of these battles. Your hour of restitution is at hand, and it is being delivered by My righteous right hand.
Now is not the time for you to lay down your weapons in defeat. No, now is the time to stand to your feet. Put your armor back on. Pick up your shield of faith, boldly raise it up as I did My Son at Calvary. His blood is your banner of victory. Lift up His banner with your voice, and boldly declare your victory before the throne of My grace.
Many of you will receive your restitution within 3 days of reading this word , just as My Son restored you back to Me. Others will see the process of restitution begin within 3 days. I have spoken, and I have promised. Come before Me on bended knee and proclaim your victory in Me.”
Thus says the Lord of Hosts.
Given to Author Becky Dvorak on 6/27/2013