Pray Like This and Take These Steps to Get Free from Addiction

For people that are struggling with addiction, or someone you care about is struggling with addiction, there are ways to pray, and steps to take to freedom from addiction. But first, let’s look at why people get stuck in a lifestyle of addiction is that instead of calling it what it is, sin, they call […]

The Ultimate Fact-Checker

The ultimate fact-checker is the Word of God, and not this world’s ungodly fact-checking system. What does God’s Word say concerning the basic facts of life, and how we are to live like Christ? Let’s look to this ultimate fact-checker and find out if what we say or what we are being told is the […]

Prophetic Word: I Would Do It Again For You

Once was enough, but if I had to I would willingly choose to do it again just for you. Most do not begin to understand the love that I have for each one of you. My love is not based upon feelings, but upon the foundation of love–Me. All the suffering I endured was for […]

Your Faith Heals You

People write and say that they are waiting for the manifestation of their healing. I get it. But according to the Word of God, faith is all the evidence that you need to know that you are healed. For clearer understanding, let’s delve into this topic a little bit more. Faith is trust, and like […]

Miracles for Christmas

Are you in need of a miracle? There's no better time than Christmas to receive your miraculous gift from God. The events that surround the birth of our Savior are so miraculous in every way imaginable--and then some. No matter the need you are facing you can find hope for your miracle in the historical events of Jesus' birth.

Be Ready for My Coming Is at Hand

The Spirit of the Lord would say to you in this hour; “Wake up. It’s not time to sleep or to slumber, for the greatest hour of power is upon you. Light is crashing into darkness, and the light will not blend with this darkness, but will cause a great separation. You are either for […]

Redeemed From the Enemy’s Hand

“Let the redeemed of the Lord say so, whom He has redeemed from the hand of the enemy,” Psalm 107:2. According to the word of the Lord we’ve been redeemed from the hand of the enemy. Do we believe it? Or do we still under estimate the power of the Lord within us? At first […]

Is There More to Christianity than Salvation?

You believe Jesus is Lord, you attend weekly services at your local Christian fellowship, you read the Bible, and even memorize Scriptures. Yet, something is missing. You begin to question your walk with the Lord. And with quite a bit of delusion, you have come to the conclusion that something is missing and there has […]

Austin, TX — Healing Seminar

FEBRUARY 2018 2nd -3rd — Austin, Texas — Healing Seminar — Host: Pastor George &  Paula Crisp of Angels Healing and Recovery Church,  Location: Sunrise Community Church, 4430 Manchaca Rd, Austin TX 78745. To register click on links below. Feb 2nd –Friday evening — Healing Service — 7-9 pm. friday-healing-service-becky-dvorak-tickets-41024282734? aff=es2 Feb 3rd –Saturday […]

Feel Discouraged–a Word of the Lord

The Spirit of God says to you this day, “You feel discouraged. Your plans have not worked out for you. You wonder where I am. Why have I not responded to you? You are filled with many questions and even more doubt than before. Here is what I would say to you concerning these matters. […]
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