Holding on to a familiar spirit is sinful and something of which we need to confront and repent. You may be wondering, Just what is a “familiar spirit”? How does it affect our health and well-being? How does it gain access into our being? And how do we get free from it? First of all, […]

Offer Healing for the People
If we want to see a mighty move of the Holy Spirit filled with healing and miracles, then we need to teach the full Gospel of Jesus Christ and give an opportunity for the people to be healed. I remember many years ago I visited a Church in the US with a friend, and during […]

The Warnings are Being Sounded
The warnings are being sounded throughout the world via the Holy Scriptures and the voices of modern-day prophets. And for those who fear these times, I add another thought for you to ponder; even though it is called the “end times”, in essence it’s an end to satan and his corruption—and a brand-new beginning, like […]

The Greatest Cure for Mental Illness
The greatest cure for mental illness is not more drugs–the cure is the unconditional love of God and the power of His love found within the pages of His Word–the Holy Bible. I believe much of what the world refers to mental illness is demonic oppression or possession. I also believe that most deliverance will […]

Three Days of Prayer and Fast for the Repentance of the Church
Day #1 of a three day fast for the repentance of the Church. I woke up at 4 AM and decided it was a little too early to get up so I went back to sleep. And during this time the Lord gave me a graphic dream of the condition of the “Church”. She was […]

I Trust You, Lord
No matter the situation, no matter what the report says, “I trust You, Lord.” My mind shouts one thing, but my spirit calmly whispers, “I trust You.” The doctors say prepare to die, but my soul says, “No, I trust in my God.” I know You, and You do not change. Therefore, I can confidently […]
Will Someone Pray for Me?
I was standing waist deep in the Jordan River baptizing the ladies who came with me on the recent trip to Israel, when all of a sudden I heard a woman cry out as loud as she could, “Will someone pray for me?” I turned around and walked over to her and she said to […]

Unborn Baby Healed
A concerned grandmother contacted me to ask for prayer for her unborn granddaughter. The parents were given no hope, and told to abort. We joined our faith together and prayed for a miracle, and a baby was miraculously healed while still in the womb. The doctor ran a second ultrasound to confirm what he had […]