Anoint a Prayer Cloth

Dear Becky,

My grandson, Alvin was admitted to the psychiatric ward today. He has been hearing voices that say they want to harm us. Please join your faith with mine for his deliverance.

Grandma Susan

Dear Grandma Susan,

Before you visit Alvin in the psychiatric ward, anoint a prayer cloth with oil. (A little dab of vegetable or olive oil will do.) Hold this prayer cloth in your hand and start to intercede for Alvin. In the name of Jesus, come against all demonic spirits that are attacking him. Take your authority over a spirit of fear, death, suicide, murder and all other harmful spirits that are manifesting through him. Command all lying spirits to be silent in Jesus’ name. Cast these wicked demons out of him.

In the New Testament, we read the story from Luke 8:26-39, of Jesus’ encounter with a demoniac, a man possessed with demons. Demons manifest in the presence of Jesus Christ. And by their actions they identify themselves.

In verse 27 it says that the man wore no clothes. Spiritually speaking the man was missing his spiritual covering, the glory of God. He was stripped of his identity. Then it goes on to say in the same verse that he lived in the tombs. The spiritual significance of this is that he is possessed with a spirit of death. In verse 28 we read how an unclean spirit (ungodly spirit) is begging Jesus to stop tormenting him. Demons cannot stand to be in the Lord’s presence. It drives them mad. And the demons throw the man on the ground in seizures, and drives him into the wilderness, away from the presence of God or human contact. A place of utter torment where they have total control of the human being who was created in the mirror image of Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

In verse 20 we read how Jesus asked the demons to identify themselves. And they replied to His authority and identified themselves as Legion, meaning many demons. They begged and pleaded Jesus Christ not to send them into the abyss.

In cases of deliverance I have had the demons beg me not to send them to this place. And I have learned if the demons do not want to go there, it must be very bad. Now, I want to be very clear here, I do not play around or converse with demons, I use my authority in Jesus Christ and cast them out of the person immediately.

My reason for sharing this story of Jesus is to show you how to identify the demonic spirits attacking your grandson.

With the prayer cloth in hand, declare with the power of your faith-filled words Alvin’s freedom from all satanic power. Release the healing power of the Holy Spirit to manifest in Alvin’s spirit, soul and body. That he will become whole by the blood of Jesus that was shed for his deliverance.

Spend the time, and pray the perfect will of the Father over Alvin and pray in the Spirit.

Then go to Alvin and place the cloth on or near his body. You may need to place this cloth inside of his pillowcase, or under his mattress.

Ask the Father, to release His ministering angels around Alvin. And that they cry out, “Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God almighty. Who was, Who is and Who is to come.” And other angels cry out the name of Jesus 24/7 over Alvin all the days of his life.

I know from experience that the enemy cannot stand to be in the presence of true worship of the Father.

Every deliverance is different, but as you put your faith into action, and anoint a prayer cloth and intercede for Alvin’s deliverance, you prepare the spiritual atmosphere and build your own faith for his complete deliverance. The Holy Spirit will show you how to walk though this deliverance. For now, anoint the prayer cloth, and intercede for Alvin’s complete deliverance.

Jesus Heals Scoliosis

Jesus wills to heal all people from all sickness and disease, this includes Scoliosis. One of the most precious healings of scoliosis that I ever witnessed was of a young teenage girl in Nashville, Tennessee. She was a ballerina and the scoliosis was affecting her ability to dance. She came forward with her parents for prayer. After ministering the healing power of the Holy Spirit to her spine I asked her to put her faith into action and do something that she was not able to do before. Immediately she bent over backwards and was completely healed. And her family rejoiced over the goodness of our Lord.

A woman in her sixties from Daytona Beach, Florida was in attendance at a healing school where I was teaching. And she requested healing for her spine from scoliosis. She suffered daily for many years from the pain this produced in her body. As I touched her she immediately fell on the floor and started to thrash around. All those around witnessed an amazing miracle before their eyes. Her body was moving and twisting in all directions as she was out under the power of the Holy Spirit. We could hear her bones snapping and popping. When the Holy Spirit was done healing her body, she stood up healed.

Another young woman in her early twenties from Las Vegas, Nevada was stricken with the same disease. After prayer I asked her to put her faith into action and she bent down and touched her toes and she came up healed!

Isaiah 53:4-5 prophesies of Jesus, “Surely He has borne our griefs (sicknesses, weaknesses, and distresses) and carried our sorrows and pains [of punishment], yet we [ignorantly]considered Him stricken, smitten, and afflicted by God [as if with leprosy]. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our guilt and iniquities; the chastisement [needful to obtain] peace and well-being for us was upon Him, and with the stripes [that wounded] Him we are healed and made whole.”

Our Lord Jesus paid the price for all healing, including Scoliosis too.

Becky Dvorak is a prophetic healing evangelist and the Destiny Image author of DARE to Believe, Greater Than Magic, and The Healing Creed. Visit her at

God Heals Hip Bursitis

I met Gwen at a DARE to Believe Healing Service. She was suffering from severe pain from bursitis of the hip. When she entered the meeting room she was in so much pain that she could barely walk or stand. After the message I ministered healing to her, I commanded her body to be renewed in Jesus’ name, and it was! She left the meeting supernaturally healed, and able to stand and walk free from pain.

Here’s what she has to say concerning her healing. “I participated in your healing ministry in Burnsville, Minnesota. My hip bursitis was very bad when I was among the prayers, I could barely stand. We prayed for my hip to be completely renewed! I fell to the ground… it was amazing! Power of the Holy Spirit! It has worked, so far… wonderful! Now I am walking fine with no problems. And I am reading your book, DARE to Believe!

Isaiah 53:4-5 says, “Surely He has borne our griefs (sicknesses, weaknesses, and distresses) and carried our sorrows and pains [of punishment], yet we [ignorantly] considered Him stricken, smitten, and afflicted by God [as if with leprosy]. But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our guilt and iniquities; the chastisement [needful to obtain] peace and well-being for us was upon Him, and with the stripes [that wounded] Him we are healed and made whole.” AMP

God Heals Aging Parents

A woman brought her aging parents to a DARE to Believe Healing Service in Phoenix, AZ. After they heard the message the elderly couple called out for me to come and minister to them. They began to share with me the numerous physical challenges that the man was suffering from. Here is their daughter’s story.

“This was the couple who could hardly wait for you to be finished that you might pray for them. The woman actually called out your name to pray.

The gentleman had congestive heart failure, and the main artery/valve was leaking seriously. He also suffered from a hernia, and from swelling in his legs so badly that his ankles would swell to 16″ around. And he also suffered from Alzheimer’s.

The next morning, I went to their house and he was walking erect, without his cane. His shoulders were back, and he was stable. There was no longer any sign of the hernia and the swelling in his legs were reduced by 95% at that point.

Over the course of the next 2 weeks there was a slow progression with a few ups and downs. This primed their faith and hope that he would be completely healed.

The woman continues reading your book DARE to Believe and telling everyone about what God is doing.

One week ago yesterday, they went to the healing room again, and God gave him a huge blast of healing power and the rest is history.

For a solid week he has been running around, jumping, giggling, praising God and sharing all that He has done. And on Sunday morning, he ran across the front of their church.”

This a beautiful testimony of the healing power of Jesus Christ reaching out to this elderly couple, restoring their joy and their strength, and healing and recreating their physical bodies.

The Lord gives us this promise in Jeremiah 30:17, “For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds.” NKJ           

DARE to Believe!

What Do I Tell the Dr.? from Minnesota was scheduled for surgery to repair a torn Rotator Cuff. But after prayer he was supernaturally healed. He looked at me and asked “What do I say to my doctor?” I replied “Just lift up your arm, he’ll know.”

After ministering at a women’s conference in Virginia, Pattie asked me to pray for her husband who had a frozen shoulder. I did and told him to put his faith into action and do what he could not do earlier. He quickly lifted his arm up into the air without pain.

I ministered to a man at a healing service in California, who suffered from severe shoulder pain for many years. Instantly all pain was gone and he had complete movement in his shoulder. And this man, who did not know Jesus Christ, not only received physical healing but prayed and accepted Him as his Lord and Savior too. DARE to Believe!


God Heals Heels!Amanda, from Las Vegas wanted prayer for healing because she was suffering pain as she stood or walked because she had deep fissures or cracks on the bottom of her heel from the dry climate. I held onto her heel and ministered healing, and we both felt a strong thumping inside of her heel as the wounds completely closed up. God even heals heels! DARE to Believe.

12 Days of Christmas

On the first day of Christmas my Father gave to me, Jesus Christ the Lord.

On the second day of Christmas my Father gave to me, His double portion, and Jesus Christ the Lord.

On the third day of Christmas my Father gave to me, resurrection power, His double portion and Jesus Christ the Lord.

On the fourth day of Christmas my Father gave to me, light in the darkness, resurrection power, His double portion, and Jesus Christ the Lord.

On the fifth day of Christmas my Father gave to me, grace for all nations, light in the darkness, resurrection power, His double portion, and Jesus Christ the Lord.

On the sixth day of Christmas my Father gave to me, His mirror image, grace for all nations, light in the darkness, resurrection power, His double portion, and Jesus Christ the Lord.

On the seventh day of Christmas my Father gave to me, complete and perfect rest, His mirror image, grace for all nations, light in the darkness, resurrection power, His double portion, and Jesus Christ the Lord.

On the eighth day of Christmas my Father gave to me, joyful jubilation, complete and perfect rest, His mirror image, grace for all nations, light in the darkness, resurrection power, His double portion, and Jesus Christ the Lord.

On the ninth day of Christmas my Father gave to me, the Fruits of the Spirit, joyful jubilation, complete and perfect rest, His mirror image, grace for all nations, light in the darkness, resurrection power, His double portion, and Jesus Christ the Lord.

On the tenth day of Christmas my Father gave to me, the Ten Commandments, the Fruits of the Spirit, joyful jubilation, complete and perfect rest, His mirror image, grace for all nations, light in the darkness, resurrection power, His double portion, and Jesus Christ the Lord.

On the eleventh day of Christmas my Father gave to me, help in midst of chaos, the Ten Commandments, the Fruits of the Spirit, joyful jubilation, complete and perfect rest, His mirror image, grace for all nations, light in the darkness, resurrection power, His double portion, and Jesus Christ the Lord.

On the twelfth day of Christmas my Father gave to me, the promise of Jesus’ reign, help in midst of chaos, the Ten Commandments, the Fruits of the Sprit, joyful jubilation, complete and perfect rest, His mirror image, grace for all nations, light in the darkness, resurrection power, His double portion, and Jesus Christ the Lord.

Sing these lyrics that I wrote to the famous Christmas Carol, “The 12 Days of Christmas”. Enjoy and have a Merry Christmas!


Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.

© 2011 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

Unborn Baby Healed

A concerned grandmother contacted me to ask for prayer for her unborn granddaughter. The parents were given no hope, and told to abort. We joined our faith together and prayed for a miracle, and a baby was miraculously healed while still in the womb. The doctor ran a second ultrasound to confirm what he had just seen in the first, a large cancerous mass that was the length of the back and almost as wide and spots on the brain completely gone! Even this doctor recognized that there is a “Great Physician” and this was a miracle and gave the credit to prayer. With God nothing is impossible!

Mark 10:27 And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible.

This little girl was born strong and healthy. She had no tumors, and no cancer. And to this day, 7 years later, 2018, I receive updates about her, via her grandmother, and my spirit fills with joy to see how happy and healthy she is growing up to be.



Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.

© 2011 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.


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