Is healing power just for healers? This is a good question, and one that I get asked often. The answer is no. Healing power is for everyone that believes. According to 1 Corinthians 12 there is a ministry gift called, gifts of healings. This is a gift of the Holy Spirit given as He wills […]
Autism Healed
When we received Andres he was 6 weeks old. His birth mother was an alcoholic and drank while she was pregnant, and after he was born she fed him sugar water and alcohol. Needless to say Andres had many challenges. He was sick, weak and suffered from alcohol withdrawals. During the night times my husband […]
End-Times Vision: The Eagle and 3 Fields
During worship the other night at healing school before I stood to minister, the Spirit the Lord showed me the following end-times vision. I first saw a forest of pine trees on a hillside, they were all straight, tall, green, and healthy. And as we continued to sing in the Spirit, I saw a very […]
Activate Childlike Faith for Healing
We tend to make the things of God so complicated that it is difficult for people to believe. But it doesn’t have to be this way, and in all honesty it shouldn’t be. When we mature in our faith we will return to the sweet surrender of the childlike faith that He desires from us. […]
Brown Recluse Spider Bite Healed
A Brown Recluse Spider bite is a serious matter. And the first thing you are to do in the natural is to call 911. That’s how serious it is. Cynthia from Virginia was bitten by a Brown Recluse Spider. But she had learned what the Bible said about healing and put her faith into action. […]
Offer Hope
According to Hebrews 11:1, faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. In other words, hope is the precursor of faith. Before someone can have faith to believe, they first need to have hope in their heart for something better. The enemy knows that if he can steal our […]
Jesus Overcomes the Human Will
Everyone struggles with the power of the human will, but did you realize that you can actually have victory over its control? Watch and listen as we discover what happens in the Garden of Gethsemane. And why you can now have victory over the control of the human will in your life. Becky Dvorak […]

Your Redemption Draws Near
Look up for your redemption draws near. Do not fear, I will never leave you nor forsake you. I am your redeemer, and I live. I will lead all My children down the path of righteousness. My ways are not always easy, but they are correct. Many will turn against you. But, if I am […]
Necessary Heart Changes to Activate Healing
The hearts of many people are not in right standing to activate their healings. The Lord gave me the following list in a dream concerning the attitudes of that heart that we need to cultivate. I believe it will help and bless you to heal. We Need to Be Humble Like Jairus, we need to […]
What Does God Say About Himself and Healing?
When I was a young girl I grew up in a denominational Church, I was baptized as an infant, confirmed in my teenage years, and yet I had no understanding of what Jesus Christ really did for me. I did not know that Church attendance was not enough, but that I needed to be born-again. […]