Holding on to a familiar spirit is sinful and something of which we need to confront and repent. You may be wondering, Just what is a “familiar spirit”? How does it affect our health and well-being? How does it gain access into our being? And how do we get free from it? First of all, […]

Prayer for Those Who Are Grieving
So many people are suffering the loss of a loved one, and you may be one of them. I wish I could take this pain away from you, but I can’t. You must pass through this process of grief in order to heal. And so, I do pray for God’s grace to strengthen you, and […]

Even Demons Believe, so Is It Enough to Believe?
I am asking you today, “Even demons believe, so is it enough to believe?” I have tackled this question before, and the response was sort of mixed. Some tapped into the heart of the message, while others took offense by the question. Where do you stand? And why? James, the earthly brother of Jesus Christ, […]

Healing Prayer
In Jesus’ name, I renounce you, satan, and all of your tactics against these people. I rebuke a spirit of infirmity, a spirit of fear, a spirit of death, and any other hindering spirit that is controlling their lives. Right now, my friends, I release the power of that same Spirit that raised Christ from […]

A Prayer of Safety from Our Enemies
Allow me to stir up the gift that is within you, the prophetic healing power of your words. Being fully aware that every word we speak is either building up or it is tearing down something or someone. And in this prayer of safety from our enemies, we are going to create an atmosphere with […]
Watch: Prayer Against Blood Clots that are Killing You and Your Loved Ones
These are troubling times, and the spirit of death is coming against the people on this earth with a vengeance. But do we have to bow to this wickedness? According to the Word of God, “No!”. You have supernatural power in your words, so use them and prophesy into those blood clots that are killing […]

God Listens and Delivers
How often do you hear people complain that their doctor doesn’t have the time to listen to them? Your Great Physician actually listens when you call to Him (see Ps. 4:3). But do you know that there is a certain type of prayer that draws His attention to us? This type of prayer is filled […]

Healing Prayer for High Blood Pressure
Healing prayer for high blood pressure is what I want to impart to you this day. The reason being is that the stressors of the day are causing many people to struggle with high blood pressure right now. But even in the midst of these outside toxic stressors we can overcome these battles against our […]

A Prayer of Faith for Your Soul During Election Chaos
With so much stress during this election chaos I want to share with you a prayer of faith for your soul. As I said, this is a prayer of faith for your soul (your mind and emotions), but before praying I want to share a little from my heart about all of this. First of […]

The Prayer of Faith Saves a Boy’s Life
The prayer of faith saves a boy’s life, but before you read this wonderful testimony that just took place let’s talk about faith and the prayer of faith. (This teaching comes from “The Prophetic and Healing Power of Your Words”, Chapter 8, “Prayer Strategies” on page 149.) What is faith and the prayer of faith? […]