The Spirit of Suicide

An invasive army of demonic influence has moved in, and it’s being led by one of satan’s generals–the spirit of death. Suicide is taking place in grievous numbers.

We are living in a day and age when God is being removed from the hearts and minds of the people. And when tough times come, and they come to all, people who don’t know Christ have nowhere to turn for help. Yes, God created human beings to encourage and stand with one another, but there are deep-rooted issues in life that God, Himself, is the only answer. And the devil is doing everything within his power in this late hour to hide from the people God and His plan of redemption.

Along with removing God from the hearts and minds of the people, the spirit of death and its evil ways are eroding away the value of life. We live in times when everything and anything goes, except God and His principles, hare being eliminated from schools, the government, even conversations. This leaves many people riddled with guilt and shame, with no knowledge of where to be cleansed spiritually. Emotionally they are void of the love of God. And without sensing the love He has for them; they can’t love themselves. Nor can they love others around them.

In light of this epidemic, we as Christians need to be about our heavenly Father’s business and teach people the truth, no matter what the world says they will do to us. Speak up and tell the truth. Tell people with both your words and by your actions, that God truly loves and cares for them. And so do you. Teach them who they really are in Christ, and that God is the Giver of Life, and He says that we always choose life.

Be real with the people; be willing and open to talk about the everyday issues that they are facing today. Don’t be afraid to tell them what the Bible really has to say about present-day issues, no matter the topic–be honest. And in the Spirit of the love of Jesus show them what God’s Word says. Many people nowadays do not know about God and His Word and His ways. If Christians would do what they are commissioned to do–be the voice, hands, and feet of the Father–people would have hope and be better off than they are today.

A Prophetic Word from the Lord

The Lord would say to you this day, “I have not left you, and I never will. I have gone before you in every trial. I have been tempted in every way, but I never gave in because I had you in My mind’s eye. I love you with a love that the world does not understand, and it comes from the heart of the Father. I and My Father are one. We are united in Our quest for you, but I realize that the enemy is bearing down hard upon you, but greater is My Spirit within you, than he who is in this world. Be not afraid and be not dismayed, for I am with you, always, even to the end of the earth and beyond.”

**Taken from my book, “Conquering the Spirit of Death”, Chapter 9, The Spirit of Suicide, pages 131-132.

Click here to learn about Conquering Suicide and more in  Becky’s  book, “Conquering the Spirit of Death”.

Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.

© 2023 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

4 Steps to True and Personal Fellowship With God

True and personal fellowship with God is so important for us to have today. It’s one thing to believe and receive Jesus Christ as our Savior. And yes, it’s the initial step to your salvation where we become a member of His family, a citizen of Heaven, and are called into His fellowship. But there is more to be had in this eternal relationship, and it’s a step that many have failed to take. God desires us to enter into true fellowship with Him where we actually get to know Him personally. And it’s in this personal fellowship with Him where these eternal benefits like provision and protection and the other benefits are actually activated.

Adam and Eve had perfect fellowship with God. They communed with Him everyday, and actually had a set time to meet with Him daily–in the cool of the day. And because of this fellowship they had no lack–everything was instantly provided for them. But they carelessly forfeited it all, and Jesus had to come to this earth to restore what they had foolishly tossed away. Part of what Jesus came to restore was the personal fellowship between God and people.

The more we seek Him, the more we know Him And the more we know Him, the easier it is for us to trust in His faithfulness to us. It’s in this strong bond of trust that we can believe Him in all areas of life, including death and protection from premature death.

If a stranger came to our front door and offered to take care of our needs we more than likely would not believe him. It’s the same with the Lord, how can we trust in His promises to care for us if we do not know Him well? And if there was ever a time that we need to be able to trust Him to overcome this spirit of death over our nations, the time is now. But it’s difficult when we have not activated our relationship with Him.

God is faithful [He is reliable, trustworthy and ever true to His promise—He can be depended on], and through Him you were called into fellowship with His Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, 1 Corinthians 1:9. (AMP)

Let’s pray.

Father God,

I must confess that I do not know You like I should. I ask for forgiveness as I have been born-again for many years, and yet I sense in my spirit that something is lacking in my relationship with You. And I now realize that I have not sought Your fellowship like You desire me to. Holy Spirit, lead me in this deeper relationship. Show me how to fellowship with You throughout my daily activities. Teach me how to sit still and alone with You to listen to You speak to my heart, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Now, you take and activate what you just prayed and spend time alone with God daily.

  1. Open up with a word or song of praise and worship to the Lord.
  2. Spend time with Him in the Bible.
  3. Talk to God, share with Him what’s on your heart.
  4. And then sit still, be quiet before Him, and let Him speak to your heart.

The more you do this, the more you will know Him, and the easier it will become to trust Him.


To learn more about conquering the spirit of death,click here to purchase a copy of my latest book, “Conquering the Spirit of Death”.

Click here for healing events.

© 2020 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

Fighting Loneliness During the Coronavirus Pandemic

Are you fighting with loneliness during this Coronavirus pandemic?  Perhaps you are being attacked with this disease and not being able to be with family and friends has really got you feeling lonely. Maybe you lost a loved one and are struggling with deep sorrow. Or you may be struggling with loneliness but for different reasons and the issue of self-distancing is making you feel worse. There are many reasons why we can feel all alone at times and it is difficult to pick up the broken pieces and move forward again. If this is where you are at in life right now, I encourage you to spend time with the Lord every day, and meditate upon the following Scriptures and allow the healing process to begin.

We are reminded in 1 Peter 5:7,casting all your cares [all your anxieties, all your worries, and all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares about you [with deepest affection, and watches over you very carefully]. Lord, I know that I am not to be worried, but sometimes I am, and especially now. Help me to deal with each and everyone of my concerns, and to take into account all that You have promised me, and that You care for me. I ask this in your name, amen.

Isaiah 41:10 encourages us with these words. ‘Do not fear [anything], for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, be assured I will help you; I will certainly take hold of you with My righteous right hand [a hand of justice, of power, of victory, of salvation].’ Call out to the Father right now and tell Him, “Father God, I am fearful that I will not ever feel well again, that my healing might not manifest. I feel insecure that I do not measure up to you and to others. I am afraid of being alone. Help me Holy Spirit to remember that I am never alone, that You will never leave me, nor forsake me, in Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

Jesus, I sense a real lack of support during this time of need in my life. Help me to see that my help comes from You. “The man of too many friends [chosen indiscriminately] will be broken in pieces and come to ruin, but there is a [true, loving] friend who [is reliable and] sticks closer than a brother,” Proverbs 18:24. Thank You, Jesus, because You are my true friend, and I desire to come into close fellowship with You.

Holy Spirit, help me to be patient with myself and those around me, and to remember your promise in Psalm 147:3, He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds [healing their pain and comforting their sorrow]. I give You my brokenness, pain and sorrow. I receive Your comfort during this time of great pain. I accept Your healing balm of Gilead into my my mind and emotions.  And I confess with my mouth, that I may have lost someone or something very dear to me, but I am not lost. You found me. I am not someone without hope, for You are the hope of my salvation. I am not alone, because You will never leave me. I am loved by You, and Your love is unconditional towards me. You care about me, and provide for my every need. You heal me and make me whole in spirit, soul, and in body. With Your help, I will mediate upon these promises found in Your holy Scriptures and I will see that I am not alone, and this spirit of heaviness, this loneliness lifts off of me. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen.


Click here to order a copy of my newest book, “Conquering the Spirit of Death” for help to deal with this emotion of loneliness and protect yourself from it getting out of hand that can open the door to the spirit of death.

Click for a Confession of Faith for Protection From the Coronavirus.


Click here to visit Becky’s ministry itinerary.

The Connection between Sin and Death & 4 Step for Protection

Is there a connection between sin, sickness and death in these last days? And more specifically, is there a connection between sin and this current plague, Coronavirus? It’s time to talk about this.

I have been sharing with you on my Facebook Live sessions on Wednesday mornings the prophetic dreams and visions the Lord has been giving to me concerning these things, and they have been spot on and taking place immediately. I shared with you last Wednesday a prophetic vision the Lord gave me last week while in prayer with my ministry assistant. I was looking down from above into a courtroom that was filled with many lawyers examining a book with handwritten entries of sins (wrong doings) written down. I then saw that this book was sitting on top of a much larger weightier book. I then saw that this larger book was the Holy Scriptures–the Bible. I knew in my spirit that these wrong doings were being judged by the Supreme Judge–God, Himself, that I saw in the center and front of all that was going on in this Court of Law. The sins written down were being judged according to the Scriptures.

Now, let’s make it perfectly clear for the born-again believer our confessed sins are covered and paid in full by the redemptive blood of Jesus Christ. And this is something to be thankful for! But it’s the sins of the unbelievers that are being judged in this vision. And unrepented sins. 1 Peter 4:17 tells us, “For the time has come for judgement to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?”

 What does the Bible have to say about sin, sickness and death? In Deuteronomy 28:15 it says, “But it shall come to pass, if you do not obey the voice of the Lord your God, to observe carefully all His commandments and His statutes which I command you today, that all these curses will come upon you and overtake you.” Now let’s turn to the New Testament in Romans 6:23 and find out if this still applies for today. It clearly states that, “For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.” Disobedience and sin are one and the same; they open the doors of our lives to their consequences–sickness, disease, death and every other form of the curse.

Sin is increasing in these last days, and it seems to be taking on much deeper tones of evil than most of us care to hear about. And it has been running rampant in the Church, and this sin is being judged. It has to be dealt with because Jesus is returning for a Church that is without spot or wrinkle. The spot being the sin and the wrinkle being the old man, the ungodly nature that Jesus shed His blood to redeem us from.

Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself for her, that He might sanctify and cleanse her with the washing of water by the word,  that He might present her to Himself a glorious church, not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but that she should be holy and without blemish. Ephesians 5:25-27.

During the recent healing seminars and conferences I have witnessed the Holy Spirit dealing with grave sin issues in the healing lines. And both men and women are openly repenting of sin issues that have had them bound to a spirit of death that I talk about in my latest book,Conquering the Spirit of Death“.

This may not be a pleasant topic, but it is a necessary one to confront. We the Church have been placed in this world for a purpose, God’s purpose to be a witness and win them to the Lord. We were not meant to conform to their sinful ways.

Galatians 6:7 warns us, “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked [He will not allow Himself to be ridiculed, nor treated with contempt nor allow His precepts to be scornfully set aside]; for whatever a man sows, this and this only is what he will reap.” It’s time to judge ourselves. What have we been sowing? That’s what we are reaping. And not only our nation, but the world in general has been sowing very sinful acts that lead to death by the biblical principle of sowing and reaping. A prime example of this would be abortion.

We need to humbly seek the Lord and pray for a revival of repentance to flow throughout this earth–starting with today. 2 Chronicles 7:14 gives us a plan for healing our nations. “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.”

What do we need to do to protect and prepare ourselves for these days ahead of us?

  1. Repentance that Leads to Salvation is the first step to take to prepare to meet Jesus. “Jesus answered and said to him, “Most assuredly, I say to you, unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of .” John 3:3. And Romans 10:9 tells us how to become born-again, “if you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved.”
  2. The Study of the Word of God. We need to study the Holy Bible to teach us how to live faithfully. “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” Read the Word and study it to understand what it means, and do what it says to do. Make the Word of God your standard and your lifestyle.
  3. The Empowerment of Holy Spirit. “But you shall receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth.” Acts 1:8. Pray and ask God for the Baptism of the Holy Spirit.
  4. An Intimate Relationship with the Lord. To protect us from a religious spirit and sinful ways we need an intimate relationship with the Lord. “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!” Matthew 7:21-23. Develop a living relationship with the Father, Son (Jesus Christ), and with Holy Spirit. It is most important that God knows who you are.

To learn more about conquering the spirit of death,click here to purchase a copy of my latest book, “Conquering the Spirit of Death”.

A Confession of Faith for Protection from the Coronavirus.

Click here for healing events.

© 2020 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

Use the Power of Encouragement to Help Combat this Coronavirus

There is great power in a word of encouragement. And this is why the enemy fights so hard to try and discredit an encouraging statement of faith. He is aware that we have been created in the mirror image of God, and have been given by God the power to create and destroy with our words. Proverbs 18:21 states it like this, Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words.” AMP. With the power of encouragement we can chase a spirit of fear or a spirit of death away from us.

And why is it so important that we release encouragement during this worldwide pandemic right now? The Bible teaches us in Job 3:25, “For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me.” First of all, fear is a forerunner to death, and so the more we proclaim fear-filled words the weaker our level of faith becomes and when we lay down our shield of faith we lose our protection and death enters in. So more than ever before we must proclaim words of faith over ourselves and loved ones and to people all around us.

I was in the grocery store the other day, and the elderly woman in front of me started to share with me how afraid she is. I interjected words of encouragement to her, and shared that I am a Christian, and also a healing evangelist… and I could see as I shared a simple word of encouragement with her that her countenance changed and she thanked me for sharing. And the other people including the cashier started to interject encouraging thoughts to one another. The old adage that a word of encouragement goes a long way. It really does make a difference. With a word of encouragement someone that is in a life and death battle will continue to fight the good fight of faith. A young lady contemplating an abortion will give birth to that child. A man desiring to walk a way from his marriage will repent and fight for it with the right word of encouragement. And during this Coronavirus pandemic your words of encouragement will make a huge difference in the lives around you too.

In closing I want to share this word of encouragement from the Lord for you.

The Spirit of the Lord would say to you this day, “In this world you will have tribulation, you will pass rough difficult times, but I say to you, ‘I created you to win, to be victorious in every situation. I have equipped you with resurrection power, and that same Spirit that raised Me from the dead lives and resides within your very being. And I gave to you this same Spirit so that you could overcome the wiles of the enemy, that serpent of old. You be bold in who I created you to be–a conqueror, an overcomer, and victorious.” *This word of the Lord is taken from my latest book “Conquering the Spirit of Death”, Chapter 1, Page 5.


To learn more about conquering the spirit of death,click here to purchase a copy of my latest book, “Conquering the Spirit of Death”.

And Click Here for a Confession of Faith for Protection from the Coronavirus.

Click here for healing events.

© 2020 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

Offer Hope for Healing from Coronavirus

Many people around us have received devastating reports of sickness and death. They feel frightened and hopeless. We have a life-changing message to offer to them. A message of hope and healing for those that are sick and dying. But sometimes we feel insecure to deliver this message.  We fear that they might reject us and our message. In all honesty, I have offered this message to thousands of people and have only ever had a few refuse prayer. What should this tell us? People want hope, and they are waiting for someone, like yourself to offer to minister healing to them.

How can they know that there is a God that loves them, unless you tell them? How will they be able to believe if you don’t share with them the Good News about Heavenly Father’s plan of Redemption? God wants you to be this messenger of hope that reveals the truth to them in love and in power. And you can do this. Be real and be yourself, and in your own special way share this life-giving message of hope and healing through the redemptive blood of Jesus. In His name, extend your healing hand and offer to pray for them.

Read this prayer request, “Dear Becky, please pray for my daughter, April and her 10 month old son, Behnam, and for my immediate family as we all have been exposed to this virus that is sweeping New York City, all over America and around the globe. April and the baby are manifesting symptoms. Please pray for everyone affected by this plague. “

As you read through this prayer request you can see this woman is reaching out for hope and deliverance from this killer-disease. And according to the Word of God, you’ve got what it takes to offer hope for healing from the Coronavirus. “The Spirit of God, who raised Jesus from the dead, lives in you. And just as God raised Christ Jesus from the dead, he will give life to your mortal bodies by this same Spirit living within you”, Romans 8:11.

A Prayer for Healing from the Coronavirus

In the name of Jesus’, I renounce this spirit of death and disease. I curse this virus at the very center of its being. I release the healing and life-giving power of Holy Spirit to flow in and throughout your system to cleanse it from all impurities of death and disease. I declare that you will not die, but live and declare the works of the Lord, amen and amen.


To learn more about conquering the spirit of death,click here to purchase a copy of my latest book, “Conquering the Spirit of Death”.

Click here for healing events.

© 2020 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.


A Spirit of Fear Leads to a Spirit of Death

A spirit of fear leads to a spirit of death, like the young man in this testimony. A young man became very ill and was in a lot of pain. It was soon discovered that he had a cancerous tumor on his pancreas. He shared with me what happened to him when the doctors came into his hospital room to give him the bad report. He said that as he heard the death report, he could not speak. It was as if he had swallowed poison. What did he really swallow? He swallowed fear–more precisely a spirit of fear. He accepted this death report and a spirit of death entered into his spirit and immediately began to meditate and speak about death–his death.

It took others to speak words of hope and healing into his life in order for his faith to be encouraged to the point that he accepted the words of faith and started to speak them for himself. And once he started to speak faith-filled words of healing, health, and life, his miracle manifested and the cancerous tumor disappeared, and it never came back.

It is of extreme importance that we protect ourselves from the spirit of death and refuse to accept its venomous poison–the spirit of fear.

Isaiah 41:10 (AMP) encourages us with these words: “‘Do not fear [anything], for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, be assured I will help you; I will certainly take hold of you with My righteous right hand [a hand of justice, of power, of victory, of salvation].”

Four Scriptural Measures to Overcome Fear

1. Set your thoughts on godly matters, instead of earthly ones. Paul, an apostle of Jesus Christ, by the will of God writes to us in Colossians 3:2, instructing us to Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.” Refuse to dwell on the negative reports and force your mind and emotions to focus on the promises of God. It may seem like false faith in the beginning, but you have to take this first initial step to transform fear into faith.

2. Give your worries to God. Peter, another apostle of Jesus Christ, in First Peter 5:7 encourages us with these words, “Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you.” Ponder upon God’s Word that He truly does love and care for you. And that He will faithfully see you through the situation.

3. Pray in tongues and encourage yourself. Again, the apostle Paul teaches us in First Corinthians 14:4 (NIV): “Anyone who speaks in a tongue edifies themselves…” When fear tries to overwhelm you, start to pray in tongues. Encourage yourself throughout the day and night by praying in your heavenly language–it works.

4. Choose to think upon the positive promises of God. Paul, also referred to as a bond-servant of Jesus Christ, writes to us in Philippians 4:8 (NIV): Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things. Choose what you think. If it doesn’t align itself to the message of this verse, toss it out of your mind.

*This excerpt is taken from “Conquering the Spirit of Death, chapter 1, pages 21-23.

To learn more about conquering the spirit of death,click here to purchase a copy of my latest book, “Conquering the Spirit of Death”.

Click here for healing events.

© 2020 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

Confession of Faith for Protection from Coronavirus

With all the media hype about the Coronavirus people are frightened. In fact, this has gone beyond the basic fear factor, and stepped into the realm of hysteria. But should we, God’s people, allow the enemy to terrorize us?

Let’s talk briefly about our enemy. First, we will draw our attention to the basic definition of an enemy, “A person who feels hatred for, fosters harmful designs against, or engages in antagonistic activities against another; an adversary or opponent.”  Jesus makes it very plain in John 10:10 the devil’s battle plan against us. The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy.And he uses this virus and all other forms of sickness and disease to harm us. 

Do I believe that this Coronavirus comes from God? No, I do not believe that God puts sickness and disease on us to punish us, humble us or to draw us closer to Him. That’s a works mentality, living under the old law, and makes the redemptive blood of Jesus powerless. God is not our enemy. He sent His Son, Yeshua to redeem us. He delivers and rescues us from all forms of sickness and disease. He purchases healing and health for our physical bodies by the payment of His blood at Calvary. He personally carried our sins in His body on the cross [willingly offering Himself on it, as on an altar of sacrifice], so that we might die to sin [becoming immune from the penalty and power of sin] and live for righteousness; for by His wounds you [who believe] have been healed”, 1 Peter 2:24. AMP.

Why are passing through these trying times? Jesus tells us the reason for this in John 16:33, I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace. In the world you have tribulation and distress and suffering, but be courageous [be confident, be undaunted, be filled with joy]; I have overcome the world.” [My conquest is accomplished, My victory abiding.] AMP. Yes, we are all passing through trying times, and we will have to all choose to exercise our faith and fight the good fight of faith. But the good news in all of this is Jesus already fought the battle and we win!

Do I believe we are living in the last days? Yes, I do. But even still, God has not left us powerless. He has given to us all His authority over our enemy, satan and over all of his wicked works–including this Coronavirus. This is what He promises us in Luke 10:19 from the Amplified Version of the Bible, Listen carefully: I have given you authority [that you now possess] to tread on serpents and scorpions, and [the ability to exercise authority] over all the power of the enemy (Satan); and nothing will [in any way] harm you.He has empowered His followers with His authority over this and all virus’.

And we can be rest assured that He is not going to back down from His Blood Covenant with His people. I love the security we have in our Lord and Savior. And I often tell Him so. I say to Him, “Thank You, You are the Lord, You do not change (MAL. 3:6). You are the same yesterday, today and forever (HEB. 13:8). You, God are not a man, that You should lie, Nor a son of man, that You should repent. Have You said, and will You not do? Or have You spoken, and will You not make it good? (NUM.23:19). If I am faithless, You remain faithful; You cannot deny Yourself. (2 TIM. 2:13). The grass withers, the flower fades, but the word of my God stands forever.” (IS. 40:8). We have the blessing of security that God will not break His promises to us. Healing, deliverance, divine protection and provision will never be removed from the Blood Covenant.

Let’s look at real-life situation about God’s protection from the spirit of death. Remember the testimony of Moses and the Israelites, and the 10 plagues that came upon the earth because the Pharaoh refused to listen to the prophetic message from Moses to let God’s people go? And how God made a way of escape for them from the spirit of death with the 10th plague. What were they to do? They were to paint the blood of a lamb over the doorposts of their homes. And when the spirit of death came to the door if the blood of a lamb had been applied it could not enter into that household. It would back away and look for another victim that did not apply the protection of the blood of a lamb over their household.

And this all happened under the law of Moses, the Old Covenant, but we have a better Covenant, the New Testament. Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, paid the full price for our redemption with His shed blood at Calvary. But we must apply the all-powerful Blood of Yeshua over our lives. How do we do this? By faith. And this faith is voice activated. Romans 10:9-10 reveals how this is voice activated, “If you confess with your mouth the Lord Jesus and believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you will be saved. For with the heart one believes unto righteousness, and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. Along with eternal life, Salvation includes healing and deliverance.

And right now, we are going to spiritually paint with words of faith– divine protection, health and healing over our lives and the lives of our loved-ones from the Coronavirus.


In Your name Jesus, I renounce the spirit of death and this Coronavirus that has come to steal, to kill, and to destroy us (JN 10:10). And by the healing virtue of Your Holy Word, I apply the power of Your Blood over myself and my family. I declare that No weapon formed against us shall prosper (IS. 54:17), no evil will befall us, nor will any plague come near our dwelling (PS. 91:10).

You, Lord are faithful, who will establish us and guard us from the evil one (2 THESS. 3:3). But You also gave us Your authority to trample on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt us (LK. 10:19). You created us in Your image, as Jesus is so are we on this earth. And you gave us dominion over every living thing that moves, including this virus (GEN. 1:26-28, 1 JN. 4:17).

Lord, You are our refuge when we are oppressed, and in times of trouble. And we know Your name and we put our trust in You; for You, Lord, have not forsaken those who seek You (PS. 9:9-10). I will bless my Lord, O my soul, and forget not all Your benefits: who forgives all our iniquities, who heals all our diseases (PS. 103:2-3). And saves us from deadly pestilence (PS. 91:3).

Willingly, You bore our griefs, and carried our sorrows and pains, You were stricken, struck down and degraded and humiliated by the Father. You were wounded for our transgressions, crushed for our wickedness, [our sin, our injustice, and for our wrongdoing]; You were punished for our well-being, and by Your stripes (wounds) we are healed (IS. 53:4-5).

Lord God, Your Word teaches us that, Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words. PROV. 18:21. I surrender my tongue to you this day. I choose to speak life, and not death over myself and family. I declare by faith that we will not die but live and declare the works of the Lord (PS 118:17). And I declare that this coronavirus will die in my hands, and it cannot enter into my body. And if it already made its way in there without my knowing this virus dies and is eliminated from my body. I declare that my every cell, tissue, organ and system in my body are healed, made whole, strengthened, disease-free, and disease-proof for the glory of the Lord.

Lord God, I declare protection to the elderly and vulnerable members in my family. I stand on Your promise to give power to the weak, and to those who have no might You increase strength (IS. 40:29). And as we wait upon You Lord, You shall renew our strength; we shall mount up with wings as eagles; we shall run, and not be weary; and we shall walk, and not faint (IS. 40:31).

I choose to believe Your report that promises to heal me and my loved ones in spirit, soul and body (IS. 53: 1,4-5). I will obey Your counsel and believe Your promise, I will not fear, for You are with me; I will not be dismayed, for You are my God. I believe You when You say to me that You will strengthen me, Yes, You will help me, You will uphold me with Your righteous right hand (IS. 41:10).

I will be still and know that You are my God (PS. 46:10), You will keep me in perfect peace, because my mind is stayed on You, because I trust in You. (IS. 26:3). For the weapons of my warfare are not carnal but mighty in God for pulling down strongholds, casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ (2 COR. 10:4-5).

As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord (JOSH. 24:15). Your word is hidden in our hearts (PS. 119:11), we will remain faithful and wise servants (MATT. 24:45-46), we choose Your joy for our strength (NEH. 8:10), we will love You, Lord with all our heart, soul and mind, and we will love our neighbor as we love ourselves (MATT. 22:37-39). We will reach out to those in need and release your healing power into those that are sick, and because we believe they will be healed (MK. 16:17-18).

I encourage you to use this confession of faith against the Coronavirus and pray it over yourself and your loved ones daily.


To learn more about conquering the spirit of death, click here to purchase a copy of my latest book, “Conquering the Spirit of Death”.

Click here for healing events.

© 2020 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

A Familiar Spirit and It’s Affects on our Health and Well-being

To help ourselves get free from a spirit of death this year, let’s talk about a familiar spirit. What is it? How does it affect our health and hinder our well-being? How does it gain access into our being? And how do we get free from it?

First of all, what is a familiar spirit? It’s a demon, evil spirit that is bent upon our destruction. It takes its orders from satan, who only desires to steal from us, to kill us anyway possible, and to destroy us and all that is important to us.

Jesus says in John 10:10 about our enemy, the devil,The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly.

When we hear the word “familiar” we hear the word “family”.  And this is what happens, this familiar spirit becomes like family member, and gains personal access into every area of our lives.

Allow me to give you some spiritual insight that I have gained over the past 25 years ministering healing to people. I believe you will see clearly how a familiar spirit stops your healing from manifesting, and / or hinders your well-being. This message will help you to recognize what’s keeping you sick and weak, and steps to take to get free from this familiar spirit.

What are the signs that you are bound to a familiar spirit? When it comes to sickness and disease or a negative situation, such as an addiction:

  • Your whole life is centered around the disease or the problem.
  • Your every conversation revolves around this sickness.
  • Quite frankly, you wouldn’t even know what to say if you didn’t talk about it.
  • You know this disease inside and out.
  • You are so “familiar” with it.
  • You know it better than you know your spouse, your kids, the Bible, even God, Himself.
  • It has become your closest family member.
  • It even becomes your idol, your god.
  • Your very life and conversations are consumed with it.
  • You don’t do anything without consulting the disease first.
  • It totally controls your every moment.

A Few Ways a Familiar Spirit Gains Entrance into Our Beings

  • Sometimes, it enters through a generational curse, which is a curse , such as breast cancer passed down from one family member to another.
  • Soul Ties is another means in which a familiar spirit is transferred to you through sexual relationships. What has them bound will bind itself to you.
  • A transferring of spirits from people you are around a lot, like a spiritually unhealthy friend, co-worker, school professor. You pick up their unhealthy forms of speech and ways of thinking. Also the transferring of spirits can take place in a spiritually polluted atmosphere, like bars and hotel rooms, or by watching ungodly shows, such as a horror movie. While watching this horror show a spirit of fear enters you and takes control of your mind and emotions. Reading ungodly materials is another way that a transferring of spirits happens, for example you are reading through pornographic magazines or sites and you find yourself in bondage to an addiction to porn.
  • A familiar spirit also gains entrance into our beings via the supernatural power of our own words. Remember what it says in Proverbs 18:21, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue,  and those who love it and indulge it will eat its fruit and bear the consequences of their words.”  A good example of this would be if you continue to say that you are a poor man, you end up cursing your finances, and hinder God’s financial supply over you and your family.


How Do We Get Free From a Familiar Spirit?

Renounce this familiar spirit in the name of Jesus. Say aloud, “In the name of Jesus’ I renounce this familiar spirit. I command it out of my being in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.”

Repent to the Lord for allowing a familiar spirit entrance into your life. Pray, “Father God, forgive me for allowing myself to speak negative word curses over myself, for not heeding godly counsel and hanging out with ungodly friends, for not speaking up against ungodliness with my co-workers, for not taking a stand against the teachings of ungodly professors, and for watching movies or reading materials that are destructive to my well-being in the name of Jesus. Forgive me and help me to start a fresh from this moment forward, amen.”

Release the healing and prophetic power of your words over yourself and declare by the redemptive power of the blood of Jesus, “I am healed, I am delivered from this familiar spirit, and all other spirits that have latched onto this demon controlling my every thought and action. No longer will I allow this familiar spirit to control me. From this day forward, I will no longer familiarize myself with this disease or problem, and become intimate with my Heavenly Father, my Savior, Jesus Christ, and with my Comforter, Holy Spirit. I take up the Word of God, the Holy Bible, and I renew my mind and emotions with the promises of God. And in His precious name, I move forward free, strengthened, and healed in spirit, soul, and physical body, amen and amen.


This teaching was taken from what I taught the other day on Becky Dvorak Facebook Live on Wednesdays at 11:30 AM EST / 8:30 AM PST.

For further study on how to get free from from a spirit of death, click here to purchase a copy of my latest book, “Conquering the Spirit of Death”.

Click here for healing events.

© 2020 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

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