We Have Authority Over Autism

It is time for the Body of Christ to take a stand against satan and his mass weapon of destruction called autism. It is not right that Christians are suffering from this disease, or any disease for that matter. We have been given all the authority in Jesus, the Healer over autism. I believe it is time for us to join our faith together and bring this demonic attack against God’s people down. I am not speaking of coping methods, but deliverance and healing that the Messiah so richly blessed His followers with. Watch, listen and learn to find out what God has put in my heart.

Becky Dvorak is a prophetic healing evangelist and the Destiny Image author of DARE to Believe, Greater Than Magic and The Healing Creed. Visit her at authorbeckydvorak.com.

Autism Healed

July 2012 067When we received Andres he was 6 weeks old. His birth mother was an alcoholic and drank while she was pregnant, and after he was born she fed him sugar water and alcohol. Needless to say Andres had many challenges.

He was sick, weak and suffered from alcohol withdrawals. During the night times my husband and I took turns to care for him. To keep his formula down in his system we had to feed him with an eye dropper. By the grace of God we made it through this season and he could now drink formula from a bottle.

But then we noticed he started to have convulsions. The doctor’s reports were bad. Tests showed that between the fourth and twelfth weeks of fetal development the right and left sides of the brain did not form together properly and there were black spaces between the two lobes. And because this happened to him while in the womb he was labeled with Fetal Alcohol Syndrome, even though he did not have the facial features of someone with FAS.

He was very developmentally delayed. Then he started to bang his head on the crib, bite, spit, and scream and tantrum for hours at a time. Meal times were especially difficult for our large foster family. He would scream and tantrum again, because he did not want to eat what we gave him. He only wanted food that was white or off-white in color or eat from the floor.

Then as a toddler other strange behaviors began like spinning. Everything in his world had to spin in circles non-stop, including himself and his toys. He could not make eye contact. And he did not learn how to speak normally, the only words he would say were, “Mickey, Donald, Goofy”. And the violent behaviors and tantrums increased.

I brought him in for further tests and they said he was autistic. They said they could give him medication to calm his behavior, but that it was more for the benefit of the mother than for him. I refused, and sought the Lord.

During this time I was studying the Word concerning healing, not only was I reading and studying, but I was fasting too. I was keeping a journal about what I was learning, and was asking Him to reveal more to me concerning healing. He was very faithful to me, and taught me how to heal the sick.

One day I was in the nursery with all the little ones, and Andres started to scream and become violent. In that moment the Lord spoke to me in a still, small voice, and I knew what to do. I turned to Andres and said with authority, “I rebuke the violent autistic spirit within you in Jesus’ name.” Immediately, he settled down and never had that problem again. And he never screamed during mealtimes again either.

Then we dealt with all of the other abnormal autistic behaviors, and one by one, they were gone. We taught him to eat what was put before him, and to stop the spinning. But he was still not able to look at us in the eye or carry on a conversation.

Then one afternoon, while I was in the kitchen he came up to me and started a normal conversation and even looked me in the eye. He then left for a while to go play with the other little ones and then he returned and continued on the same conversation where he had left off. I was so amazed at what the Lord had done for our son.

We have had doctors and social workers tell us the same thing over and over again, “He is no longer autistic!”

Andres is now 14 years old, he is perfectly normal. He has no autistic or FAS behaviors at all. He is sweet, intelligent, bilingual, and loves the Lord.

I do not hold a medical degree, but in my personal studies about Biblical supernatural healing and by personal experience these diseases have a spiritual side to them that needs to be addressed as well as the physical.

How did I do this?

  1. I sought the Lord and He heard me. (Psalm 34: 4) I sought the Lord, and He heard me,
    and delivered me from all my fears. NKJV
  2. I studied the Word of God concerning healing. (2 Timothy 2: 15) Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. NKJV
  3. I prayed and fasted for Andres’ deliverance and healing. (Mark 9: 29) So He said to them, “This kind can come out by nothing but prayer and fasting.” NKJV
  4. I obeyed what the Lord said to do. (John 2: 5) His mother said to the servants, “Whatever He says to you, do ” NKJV
  5. I stood strong, I did not give up. (Ephesians 6: 13) Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand. NKJV

Becky Dvorak is a prophetic healing minister and the Destiny Image author of DARE to Believe and Greater Than Magic. Visit her at authorbeckydvorak.com.

Seizures Stop by Speaking the Word

I have been teaching you the power of the spoken word and encouraging you to write up a confession of faith for healing and to speak it out over you and your loved ones daily.

Well, I love the healing power of the Holy Spirit. Not only does it heal the physical body, but the life of the person is forever changed. As is the case with one of my regular readers of the daily devotional sent via email.

Karen and her husband have been believing for the healing of their son, Jon for many reasons. One desired healing was to be healed from daily seizures. Let’s look at some of the steps of faith they have put into practice.

  1. They are Christians.
  2. They believe in the healing power of the Holy Spirit.
  3. They have been praying and fasting as a family.
  4. Members in the Church they attend have been praying for Jon.
  5. They have asked the elders to anoint him with oil and pray for him.

They still were not seeing the desired changes. I suggested to Karen that she write up a confession of faith for healing and start declaring this over her son. They started doing this last Sunday and do know what has happened? The daily seizures have stopped for the glory of our Lord!

I am so blessed by this family and that they choose to put their faith in action for their son. That they are teachable and willing to work the Word of God.

Read Karen’s praise report. “I finally got this written up this past weekend, and  my husband and I pray it over Jonathan every night before he goes to bed, and I pray it every morning with Jon (he loves to cuddle up with me while I have my morning time with God, so I just read the Scriptures out loud to him).  I gave a copy to our prayer minister and also a copy to Jon’s children’s church director, who is a great woman of faith.  She prayed it over Jon in children’s church on Sunday.  The first part of the healing confession is Scriptures of healing and authority, that we claim, and the second part is detailed commands for specific spirits that need to leave and areas of his body that need healing.  Since we began praying and claiming this confession on Sunday night, Jon has not had ANY seizures, and we also are seeing the depression lifting.  Praise God!”

And read another report a couple days later, “Jon is continuing to prosper in all areas – he has his energy back, he is achieving tasks at school that they’ve been trying to teach him all year, he is giggling and smiling again, and he is starting to say words again, he has his appetite back.  (and I will add updates as healing continues to manifest).

Here is the confession of faith that they are speaking over their son daily:

“Heavenly Father, You have promised that Your Word will not return void, but it will accomplish what You desire, and it will succeed in the matter for which You sent it. (Is. 55)

So today, we stand on Your Word!  Your Word says,

Jesus took our diseases, and He carried our affliction…the chastening for our health fell on Him, and by His stripes, we are healed. (Is. 53)

The prayer offered in faith will restore the one who is sick, and the Lord will raise him up. (James 5)

Those who believe will lay their hands on the sick, and they will recover! (Mk 16)

Jesus has been placed far above all rule and authority and power and dominion, Everything is in subjection under His feet. (Eph. 1)

The Son of God was manifested to destroy the works of the Devil. (I Jn 3)

If God is for us, who can be against us? He will graciously give us all things! We are more than conquerors through Him who loved us!  (Rom. 8)

Through God we will do valiantly, and He will trample under our feet our affliction. (Ps. 108)

So today, we declare an insurrection against the powers of darkness that have been keeping Jon down!

  • In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we cast out the evil spirit of Epilepsy and it may never come back. Neurons must function normally without hyperexcitability.  Neuronal networks must function with the proper level of inhibition.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we permanently cast out the evil spirit of Autism. Aggressive actions must leave. Stimming behaviors must leave. Sleep disorders must leave. Sensory processing disorder must leave now.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we permanently cast out the evil mute spirit. The Broca’s area of Jonathan’s brain and other areas responsible for memory, word recall, and production of clear, articulate, and fluent speech are regenerated and made whole.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, we permanently cast out the evil spirit of depression that inhibits smiles, laughter, dancing, and an interest in the world.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Jonathan’s brain is being recreated to a normal size, and healed from the stigmata of Down Syndrome, and from damage caused by seizures and seizure meds, and from all damage caused by lack of oxygen at birth.  The lesion on his right temporal lobe, and the cluster of bright spots on his left frontal lobe are both healed. Cognitive disability is healed. Attention deficit is healed. Impulsivity is healed.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, all stigmata of Down Syndrome on Jonathan’s body is removed. Hypothyroid disease is healed. Muscle tone and flexibility are made normal. Nasal passages are made normal, and breathing is regular. Macrocytosis and any other bone marrow or blood cell disorder are healed now. Tongue and upper palate size are recreated to normal size.  Jon will grow until he attains normal height.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, kidneys, liver, and any other organs and blood cells in Jonathan’s body damaged by seizures and seizure meds are healed.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Jon’s digestive system is completely healed, and inflammatory bowel disease and chronic diarrhea is gone.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, Jon has bladder and bowel control and is no longer incontinent.
  • In the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, every cell and every strand of DNA and every part of Jonathan’s body from the top of his head to the soles of his feet are healed and completely normal.

Hallelujah!  Praise God from Whom all blessings flow!”


Isn’t this an amazing testimony? Yes, they have more to believe for, but what an amazing start to Jon’s total healing and deliverance. No more seizures! This just blesses my heart. Learn to activate your faith today and see the needs of those you deeply care about change for the glory of our Lord.

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© 2016 Author Becky Dvorak–Healing and Miracles International, All rights reserved.

Healing Posts

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Becky Dvorak is a prophetic healing evangelist and the Destiny Image author of DARE to Believe, Greater Than Magic and The Healing Creed. Visit her at authorbeckydvorak.com.

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